I already have thinning hair
Does this mean that my hair loss will get even worse? I am post-menopausal. I have often thought that the hair loss was caused by my taking sooo many medications. Has anyone had a reversal of this condition, since they take less medication after the surgery? I was really hoping that taking more vitamins and less meds would help. Anyone??? — Martha P. (posted on August 6, 2002)
August 6, 2002
Hi Martha! I have alopecia, hair loss disorder, no known origin. For
years I wore a wig, it was so very bad. I lost a very small amount of hair
after surgery, four months post op, my hair started coming back in better
than it had been in years!! Everyone kept commenting on it, it's so fun to
be able to actually style it again. A year post op, I had to undergo
surgery again to reconstruct my shoulder, I again had some hair loss, I
believe it is definitely related to anesthesia, but again it was short term
and my hair is growing in again. Protein and vitamins definitely seem to
be helping, I feel good about my hair again. I have a ways to go to get it
back to where I don't think about it...but I can now wear it longer, before
I kept it so short. I use Nioxin Shampoo and Scalp Treatment, I love it!
Best wishes to you. ((hugs)) and smiles =)))
— DebPKansas
August 6, 2002
Hi... I am currently losing hair. I was pulling out strands and have
enough for a baby wig! But I also had a huge full head of hair that is
pure white. I am 52. So this weekend, I got it cut short, looks great. I
use Nioxin products and love them, take biotin and have upped my protein to
help offset this. I am noticing while still filling a hairbrush with hair
that new growth is already starting so I'm not panicking! I am 4 months
post op and right on schedule as far as I've been told. Key is protein,
vitamins, good hair products and water. My best to you.
— AJC750
August 7, 2002
I believe that the hair loss is caused by the trauma to the body from
surgery and perhaps from the lack of protein early on. When I had back
surgery last year, I also experienced some hair loss at around 3 months
post-op that lasted a few months. Now, after WLS, it started falling out
at around 3 months and has just stopped at 6 months. I am
thinner-compensated for it with a short doo, and just waiting for it to
thicken back in...if your hair loss becomes excessive you can also turn to
a wig for the short term. Small price to pay for the great weight loss and
good health.
— Cindy R.
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