Please Help....What can you eat to get.....
your protein in if you are a vegetarian? Even my dietician was at a loss. I don't eat chicken or fish either. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as my surgery is on Wednesday! Thanks! — TP (posted on August 3, 2002)
August 3, 2002
I would try soy based products, the cheese and such. I've tried Boca
burgers those are good, also there is a huge selection of other meat free
products in the freezer section made by Garden Burger or Morning Star.
— stacjean
August 3, 2002
I do eat all dairy by the way!
— TP
August 3, 2002
I eat cheese, veggie burgers they have alot of protein,nuts, beans,peanut
butter,cottage cheese that is just some of the things I can think of now my
dietian gave me alot of small things that you wouldn't even think has
protein I'll get my book out if uou want more suggestions. Just email me
[email protected]
— Bonnie S.
August 3, 2002
Beans are good especially black beans pinto kidney beans also they have
protein supplements at GNC and a big varitie of protien bars and shakes.
— sheri B.
August 3, 2002
I try hard to get most of my protein from OTHER than animal sources
except some eggs and low fat cheese. Everyone has said it,.. veggie
burgers. Also the many companies who make these make many varieties and
many things like riblets, hot dogs, there is even a ground beef like
product to use, and there is all kind of sausage... so many different
things. <br> I also try to get tofu and egg whites into most things
I'm eating if its possible. I make fake enchiladas and fake tamale pie.. I
put tofu and egg whites into both of them and use the various meatless
products. <br> Don't forget beans, but watch the carbo count on
them. I make a bean salad that I love without sugar but sweetened with
splenda. I still get some protein and some veggies with that. Good luck,
write me if I can help. I considered really going completely vegetarian before surgery but I wasn't
sure how I'd get my protein in. Cottage cheese too.. low fat is great.
Write me if you want to talk things over.
— Lisa C.
August 3, 2002
I eat a Carb Solutions protein bar for breakfast most mornings. There are
24 grams of protein in one bar and there are several flavors and I think
they taste pretty good. I get mine at SAMS, by the case, as it is cheaper
that way. Yogurt for lunch, another 8 to 12 grams of protein and a little
string cheese, 3 more grams of protein. Supper is a half a cup of low-fat
cottage cheese, 14 grams of protein and then a variety of things to get the
last 6 to 8 grams of protein in, beans, tofu in a small salad, skim milk in
a smoothie or maybe another small piece of cheese. You know what they say,
where there's a will, there's a way. When I was newly post-op I used a
vegitable broth and made egg drop soup using a fat free egg substitute.
There is about 10 grams of protein in a half a cup. Also, try ShariAnn's
Organic, Fat Free and Vegitarian soups. They are really good and you can
add browned vegi burger to any of them for added protein. I also add the
vegi broth for extra flavor and to thin out the soup a little as the Split
Pea and the White Bean soups are fairly thick. Just a few more ideas for
you, hope it helps.
— Susan M.
August 3, 2002
Since you do eat dairy, whey is the best source of supplemental nutrition.
It's the best absorbed protein source, period. Soy supplements are at #10
on the bio-availability list, rice at the bottom and collagen sources are
not even ON my list! The regular veggies sources of protein are down near
the bottom of the list, too, such as beans, legumes & nuts (good
sources of calcium, though).
— vitalady
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