Will I have to cut off my ring?

My weding ring will no longer come off my finger. Do you think I will have to get it cut off before surgery? I heard a few people mention that you can't have anything metal on in the OR.    — Amber L. (posted on July 7, 2002)

July 7, 2002
Amber, I've seen several peple in pre-op rooms with tape around their rings. When I went into septic shock-not from WLS- a nurse worked on my ring for about 5 minutes with lotion to get my ring off, but they knew I was going to need a CAT scan. But you shouldn't need to worry about that for your surgery, I didn't.
   — Janis D.

July 7, 2002
I was asked to remove all jewelry prior to my surgery. I learned a trick a few years back that may help you. Take a piece of dental floss or string and poke one end of it under your ring - pull it through about 2 inches. Take the length that is remaining and wrap it tightly around your finger just above the ring. After you have it wrapped, pull on the 2 inch piece sticking out from under your ring and the ring should slide over the wrapped area. I got my wedding ring stuck a few years ago, and after attempts failed with lotion and soap, this worked like a charm. Best of luck to you on your upcoming surgery.
   — Carmen S.

July 7, 2002
Although I was asked to remove my rings, my wedding ring was also stuck. My surgeon allowed me to tape mine instead of cutting off, with the understanding that they would cut it off if they needed to during the procedure. It is still on my finger, though much looser after 120 pounds gone! Hope this helps.
   — Spunkwoman S.

July 7, 2002
My surgeon required all jewelry and acrylic nails to be removed for any kind of surgery. The nails to be able to check oxygen saturation and the jewelry in case of a needed MRI and, because unfortunately sometimes there are some very dishonest people working in hospitals as orderlies, etc. We've all heard stories about jewelry being stolen off of people in the hospital. I removed everything and went into the O.R. with the ever fashionable hospital gown and a great big smile!! Good luck! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

July 7, 2002
My high school ring had been on my right ring finger for 18 years and two days the day I had it cut off. I could nto get it off, and the hospital admissions folks told me I would have to have it removed in case of swelling from drug reactions or post op difficulties. The good news is that the shop that cut it off is going to also give me a discount when it is resized for my NEW ring size when I've lost some weight. It was a hard decision to make, and I imagine an wedding ring would be even hard to consider cutting.. but I did it. Good luck!
   — Joscelin

July 7, 2002
Amber: I am 9 days post op and fingers were swollen due to carpal tunnel syndrome. I was able to remove my wedding ring but, after much trial and error did have to cut off my Mother's ring. I did so after 3 frustrating days of trying everything possible: lotions, vaseline, margarine, string, one website even recommended Windex, to no avail. A coworker actually cut it off with a jeweler's tool and it was a clean cut. The ring can easily be put back together and the relief to get it past my swollen knuckle was a Godsent! This was 1 day prior to my surgery and I was getting quite anxious over this ring. Hope my story helped. Best of luck with your surgery and a speedy recovery!
   — Sandy P.

July 7, 2002
When I went under, I was able to tape my nose ring, since the hole closes eaily. I'm sure if you explain your siutation, they would tape your wedding ring as well.
   — Gremlin Q.

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