For those who have had TT/Breast Reduction BEFORE Pregnancy ....

What were your results? Do you regret not waiting until after you had kids? Is it true there is greater risk of C-section after having a TT? How are your breasts/tummies after having kids? I would like to wait, however we are relocating next year and my husband will be with a different company, so I'm taking a chance that we won't have good insurance. I know my current insurance (Medica) my breast reduction will be covered for sure and there is a good chance the abdominalplasty will be too. Please let me know what your experiences have been, thank you!!!    — Melissa B. (posted on May 1, 2002)

May 1, 2002
I had a breast "lift" when I was 28 or so. They did all the same things as a reduction, except they didn't take out much tissue. (This was years before my Open RNY) My pregnancy was fine, but I wasn't able to breastfeed. Although I knew it was a risk when I had the surgery, I still felt sad that I wasn't able to nurse. Since my baby was premature, I tried pumping for 5 weeks and basically cried for 5 weeks because my milk never "came in." I think if you are emotionally prepared that you will probably have to bottlefeed, then I don't see a reason to hold off.
   — jm3218

May 1, 2002
I had a breast reduction/lift in '94. I had my second child in '96. At the child birthing class that I went to they told me that my milk ducts were severed and would not be able to nurse. So of course I had resolved to bottle feed. Days after he was born, surprise, my milk came in and figured it was too late to 'go back' to the breast. I was disappointed, but mostly in myself for not being informed of whether the ducts had been severed or not. But I have healthy children so its all in the past, although I do feel like I missed out on a very special bonding ritual. My breasts did engorge and I kept a lot of the gained weight. My 'girlies' were bigger than I would have liked but not as bad as they had been previous to the BR. How are they now? Well I am 30 lbs. from goal and I am perfectly happy with them. The lift is really what makes them perky right now. They are at the size that I had the BR done.
   — Cheri M.

May 1, 2002
That is an excellent question! As someone that's considering the tummy tuck...I can tell you that I was reassured by all the dr.'s I've seen (consults) that pregnancy wouldn't be a problem. NOW, as far as the breast surgeries...I'm not quite sure. In the hopes that I will one day have more children, I've been checking this website ( http://freewill.tzo./~jamie/ ) because this girl is 7 months pregnant and had a TT, breast augmentation and an armlift (which is something else I plan to have done). If you get any more info, let me know! Best~
   — Kristin R.

May 1, 2002
I was the same as Cheri. I had the breast reduction and was told I could not breast feed, but to my surprise I had more milk then a cow. It to was to late to change which was a real disappointment to me. I had a friend however that had the surgery and produced no milk. If this is important to you make sure your doctor knows and maybe he can work around it. I had two children after breast surgery.
   — Kelly C.

May 1, 2002
Thank you to those who have responded so far.... what I'm looking for is how long after having the reduction and Tummy Tuck were you told to wait and get pregnant? What were your results after pregnancy (saggy breasts again, stretched out belly, etc.) Also , is there a greater risk of having to have a C-section after having the tummy tuck? Thanks!
   — Melissa B.

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