I'm very nervous about my Psych Eval and MMPI... What exactly can I expect?

I'm only 19 and have been overweight ever since I can remember. WLS has been something I've been considering for almost 2 years. I'm afraid the Psych people will try to convince me that I'm too young for such drastic measures. I know that I'm ready... what will help to convince them?    — Tanya B. (posted on April 22, 2002)

April 22, 2002
Tanya, dont worry, I did and felt kinda silly after taking the MMPI. It is 564 questions thatare sometimes reallt goofy, like : (do you hate yourself or your family?) or (do you hear voices or dogs talking to you?) I kid you not there are some silly questions, however the report that came from the Psychologist after the test had me pegged to a "T" so I guess it works!! its just a long boring test that you have to fill in the little circles on the test form!! I hope this will help you, You will do just fine!!:):):):)
   — Blase K.

April 22, 2002
Hi Tanya...I really wouldn't worry about it. I was nervous about it too thinking that someone that I don't even know that is going to talk to me for 2 hours (or less) can make a decision about me that can affect the rest of my life??!! That really made me nervous, but once I was there, it was fine. There was really nothing to worry about. She asked a lot of questions, probably to make sure I knew what I was doing and that I knew what the risks would be, how it would change the rest of my life, how it could affect me emotionally, etc. So really, don't go nuts over will be fine. Take care!
   — Giovanna G.

April 23, 2002
The MMPI was a piece of cake. Just answer each question as honestly as you can because they sort of cross-check each other. During the psych eval, I just made sure the dr. knew that I wanted to have the surgery to make me more healthy, not a bathing beauty. I just didn't want the pain of my aching knees and back anymore. I also told her that I knew being thin didn't guarantee happiness. I had no problem getting approved. Good luck to you!
   — blank first name B.

April 23, 2002
Tanya You have nothing to worry about! I had my Psych eval this morning. I went into my appointment somewhat aprehensive, but everything went well. Just be determined and let your doctor know that you are doing this for health reasons and not to become a bathing beauty. Also, the MMIP is nothing to worry about. I only had 360 true/false questions to answer, but again, nothing to worry about. Questions ranged from do you have a good relationship with you father, to I often hear voices, to I like social parties. What they are basically trying to determine from the one on one appointment and the MMIP is to make sure that you are not currently depressed, because this surgery could make that depression much worse. You shouldn't have anything to fear.
   — Lynn H.

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