Delicate Question for women only ....
Ok, ladies ... this is an embarrassing question, but I figured if I couldn't ask it here, where could I? Does anyone else feel that they have to wipe both front and back after they go pee? What could be causing this? Thank you. — Melissa B. (posted on April 16, 2002)
April 16, 2002
Could it be that maybe you are sitting differently? Like at a different
angle and when you 'go' it flows differently? Mine is different since I
have lost weight, but mine goes straight into the toilet instead of
streaming all over my inner theighs. This sounds really gross, sorry. But
it is just another good side effect of this surgery.
— Cheri M.
April 16, 2002
Is it happening all the time? I am still pre-op, but occasionally I will
spray all over (sorry if this is gross). If it is all the time, maybe try
positioning yourself differently, or try forcing it out harder...(graphic
here...) I know that when I have to go really badly, and it comes out
harder than normal, it is generally in a pretty straight line, so if you
can try and force it out harder, that might keep it from spraying all over.
Just some suggestions, and I could be completely wrong too!
— Sarah P.
April 16, 2002
I have that same problem also smetimes when i go an think i am done and
wipe get everything pulled up an then i go a lil more not much just enough
to make me wet an haft to change an wash off and dry off i wish i knew what
would help i hope having WLS wll do it i know b-4 i gained all my weight i
did not have this problem
— wildbrat
April 16, 2002
I am the poster, and just wanted to mention that I am 6 months post op. I
had hoped this problem would go away w/ WLS and losing 100 lbs. , but it
hasn't. My sister said it could be from weak urine flow. Any thoughts?
— Melissa B.
April 16, 2002
I have a similar problem since I had an accident and severely damaged my
bladder. I've learned that if I slowly rock from side to side while on the
potty that a lot more urine will come out. Then I rock back and forth for
the same effect. Sounds weird but it gets the job done (so to speak).
— Vicki H.
April 16, 2002
what did your doctor say.
— faybay
April 16, 2002
Funny thing about is adhesive, that is, it tends to stick to
itself. Watch two drops some together sometime. As a result, when we pee,
especially if we have large inner or outer labia, the urine will tend to
travel over the skin instead of just straight down. I used to have to wipe
EVER'THANG, but since surgery, I do a straight stream. The worst part was
trying to get a clean catch urine sample pre-op. I couldn't hold my belly
up, reach back with the cup and count on anything going into the cup,
usually it would go all over my hand. I was going for a job and had to do
drug testing and I literally begged for one of those toilet inserts they
use to measure urine output. The clinic didn't have one and the medical
assistant offered to hold the cup for me. How embarrassing!!! I ended up
just making a mess in the bathroom, got my clothes wet, etc. Yikes! What a
relief it is that those days are over! Good Luck to you!
— merri B.
April 16, 2002
Well you are definately right about water being adhesive. It is because of
the hydrogen bonding. BUT anyway, I would reccommend doing Kegal exercises
which strengthens the pelvic muscles. I did those while I was pregnant to
get ready for childbirth and prevent urine leakage. You just tighten up
(like your holding back pee) and hold for 10 seconds and do that a bunch of
times each day. It really works!
— emilyfink
April 16, 2002
I am so glad that you asked that question. I've been going to the urologist
because of that exact same thing (months). The urine goes behind me and
gets trapped in my vagina, which in turn, causes me to suffer from yeast
infections constantly. I've had several test done and the only outcome has
been my weight. I'm trying to think of an example....okay, if you pour
water out of a cup with a spout, it pours straight out. But if you take
that spout away the water tends to flow down the side of the cup . Well the
only thing that my doctor could come up with is that the fat that I am
carrying down below (between the legs)is interfering with that natual
spout. And we still dont know really what the problem is...but we are not
gonna stop searching for the answer. OH, and he is also looking at
vibrators as a cause. That is enough of my business out there, hope it
helps. Thanks again for asking that question. (pee-pee real hard, thats the
only thing that works for me right now)
— Karen M.
April 16, 2002
do you have children? i know sometimes after child birth your bladder gets
weaker and you may need to have a bladder lift.
— candymom64
April 16, 2002
I don't know if you mean the same thing I experience (I'm preo-op), but I
always have to wipe behind when I pee because it runs down my rear. I
guess maybe it's from having a big rear and pee liking to stick to things
(so it would rather go back and down at an angle, than straight down). I
hope that will change when I'm out post-op a ways. Good luck!
— [Deactivated Member]
April 16, 2002
Years ago I was unable to pee hard, it was really weak. A urologist found
that I had uric acid crystals built up in my urethra and had minor surgery
to remove them. I would see a urologist.
— Michelle F.
April 16, 2002
I am post op and wearing size 16, so I'm not morbidly obese anymore and it
still happens. I'm 23, no children. However, as a child I was told I had
weak bladder muscles that should correct itself as an adult, and I don't
think it has. Thanks for everyone's thoughts, I will see a urologist this
summer when I start looking at breast reduction, etc., cuz hopefully I can
get everything that needs to be done all at once.
— Melissa B.
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