When getting EKG done (pre-op) are x-rays required too?

What else is done during your EKG appointment?    — Tina L. (posted on March 18, 2002)

March 18, 2002
It may depend on where you're having it done. I had my EKG done at a lab that also does bloodwork, and chest x-rays. Check with with the facility you are having it done at. What else do they do there that you need to have done pre-operatively anyway? Might as well kill two birds with one stone. :)
   — KelBurt

March 18, 2002
I had my EKG, chest x-rays, a sonogram on my gall bladder, and bloodwork all done during my pre-op appt. None of which were a big deal. One tip- don't use lotion or powder that day, or the EKG sticky things won't stick properly- I had to hold mine on.
   — Angela B.

March 18, 2002
The EKG itself does not include an x-ray, but most surgeons have you do an x-ray as well as an EKG. I had to have an EKG, lots of blood work, blood gas taken, an upper GI x-ray, a chest x-ray, and an ultrasound on my gall bladder, liver, aeorta, and my pancreas for my pre-ops.
   — Kelly M.

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