Should I have a tummy tuck?

Is this procedure more paperwork and waiting and problematic and not worth it all? I want to do it, but I don't want another waiting and hassle and summer of pain.    — Stephanie N. (posted on March 6, 2002)

March 6, 2002
I've asked myself this over and over again..... I can't wait to see your responses. I know if I got one I'd probably become an easy size 12 from a 16, and lose at least 10-15 more lbs. Still, I think perhaps I should consider trying to have kids first- or wouldn't it just get messed up again? If I had it after kids would they still approve it, or then consider it totally cosmetic? I do have some major back pain at night- comparable to pre-surgery back pain, as my frame cannot deal with this apron! Still, I am unsure what to do. After a Breast Reduction, Gastric Bypass and Gallbladder Removal- if I tell my husband, family and friends I am going in for another surgery- they are likely to strangle me :)
   — Karen R.

March 6, 2002
I am definitely going to have a tummy tuck this year. The apron is annoying, rashy, and sometimes even smelly. Not to mention that it's keeping me in MUCH larger clothes than I actually need.<p>My plastic surgeon's office is MUCH more efficient about insurance and other paperwork than my WLS surgeon's was, so that is a non-issue.<p>I know the surgical recovery can be a bit slower because you're talking about bigger incisions and so on, but I wouldn't call it a &quot;summer of pain&quot; &ndash; it sounds to me like maybe you are talking yourself out of it. Only you can decide what's right, in consultation with your PCP, maybe your WLS surgeon, and a plastic surgeon.<p>Get recommendations from people you know. Plastic surgery, especially reconstructive surgery like abdominoplasty, is as much an art as a science. All the plastic surgeons in your area might have functionally correct outcomes, but some will be much more sensitive to the needs of the post-WLS patient, and some will have much more aesthetically pleasing results.<br>Good luck no matter what you decide!
   — Julia M.

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