Anyone with Cigna POS/HMO had a Panniculectomy and WLS ok'd and performed together?
If so was it a long and difficult recoverly time? I'm asking because I was wondering wouldnt it save time and money if it could be performed together? I would think the insurance company would like it done that way. — Maria L. (posted on February 9, 2002)
February 9, 2002
You may be misunderstanding what a panniculectomy is. It is the removal of
excess skin after a large weight loss. Some people who are super morbidly
obese do have one at the same time as WLS, but only because it is hampering
their ability to move or is causing other health problems. So, most of the
time, it wouldn't really help to do them together. You need to lose most
of your weight first.
— garw
February 12, 2002
I would like to add a little to that last answer...I AM severely overweight
and need the panni done at the same time... will have the surgery in two
days.... when they do a panni they stretch the skin tight...and even
though I am quite overweight they don't think I will need it again
— annette S.
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