Is it possible to have RNY after gastroplasty 21 years ago that was reversed?

In 1981 I had stomach staples placed. This was revised in 1982. Due to severe acid reflux (there were no meds then like Prilosec, Prevacid, etc.) they removed the staples and told me I would gain my weight back. Since being on meds for acid reflux, I have had no more problems with reflux. However, I am now back up to 310 pounds, have diabetes, severe sleep apnea, joint pain, fatigue, shortness of breath on exertion. I am not living, just existing. I want the surgery and my life back. I have 3 wonderful grandchildren that I would like to enjoy! I am only 56.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 12, 2002)

January 12, 2002
Providing that there are no other "surprises" in your medical history that would disqualify you from any surgery at all, there's no "standard" reason that you could not be done into a more modern procedure. I've known people to have as many as EIGHT of these before finding the right one that works. You'll need to find an experienced bariatric surgeon who's been around the block a few times, but aside from that, you stand as good a chance as anyone else for revision.
   — vitalady

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