Why dont I feel full?
I eat 2 oz 4-6 times a day but when I eat I don't get a full feeling.. does anyone know why.. I just never feel full and I have the worst time with my bowels moving only every 4- 5 days — Carrie B. (posted on January 3, 2002)
January 3, 2002
Water? 64 oz or more? And what are you eating (in general)? Real food at
this time or mush? Liquids & mush might move through too quickly to hit
your full-o-meter. I don't know without asking you 100 questions, but just
some random thoughts....
— vitalady
January 3, 2002
Are you sure your not getting a full sensation? I know I never really felt
the sensation in my new pouch for the first few months, but what I did feel
was a pressure up in my left shoulder, right under the clavicle. The
nutritionist said the feeling I was experiencing was an indication of
fullness...and said you can also get experience a feeling of pressure in
the center just below your ribcage or nausea as another indication of being
full. Like the previous poster said, not knowing what you are eating or
what stage of the game you are at makes it hard to determine why you might
not be feeling full. As far as the bowel movements, all of my life before
surgery I used to go 4 or 5 times a day, but since surgery I only go once
every 3 or 4 days which is a big change for me. Of course I am only eating
a few ounces once or twice a day (long story) and so I am not consuming the
amounts of food I was before WLS. It is not unusual for your bowel
movements to slow down and get further apart inbetween them... just be sure
and get in the water so that you don't get constipated from the added
protein you are consuming. Good luck!
— Kellie Jo B.
January 3, 2002
I don't always get a "full" feeling--usually only when I've eaten
too much. I try to stop when I am "satisfied" meaning when the
food starts to not taste so good and my attention starts to wander. I think
it is more the norm to have decreased BMs after surgery. It has evened out
with me to every 3 days or so but I have gone like 8 days early on--I
started to worry but asked the doc and he said as long as I feel ok not to
— ctyst
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