At the present time I am taking 60 mg a day of predisone. I am 104 pounds over weigh

I would like to know if I would be able to have this surgery at this time. I am very interested in going and talking with a surgeon. But don't want to talk with a surgeon, If I have to wait.    — Donna B. (posted on December 28, 2001)

December 28, 2001
Hi! Ithe predinsone itself may not cause you to be denied surgery. I was on 60 mg. per day, and was able to have RNY last December. I had severe asthma and am steroid dependent. However, some surgeons will refuse to do the surgery while you are on the predinsone. You will have to ask the surgeon. My surgeon is very experienced with high risk patients, so he was Ok with doing mine while on the steroids. If you have specific questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Maria
   — Maria H.

December 28, 2001
All doctors have their own policies, I myself am on prednisone and my doctors (not just my surgeons, but my other ones as well, i have lupus) before they will even consider donig the surgery on me are making me wean myself off of it as much as i humanly possibly can. It makes you alot more prone to infection and cuts your immunity in half. I guess part would be what you're taking it for.
   — [Anonymous]

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