re; weighing yourself, do you go out and buy scales or weigh

at the Dr. ofc or somewhere else that has a good scale. How often do you weigh yourself?    — leah D. (posted on April 25, 2001)

April 25, 2001
Leigh, I'm from the Houston area too! I hope that you will be able to start attending our support group meetings after your surgery. I know you probably won't be up to the one on Sunday May 6.. but heck if you are, please come! About the weighing issue; it's something that really varies from person to person. I have a scale and I weigh myself EVERY morning. It is part of my personal ritual. I do it to make sure that I am always keeping an eye on things and not letting anything "sneak up" on me. I know that when I was getting bigger and bigger I avoided the scale like the plague. My personal fear is that if I stop weighing in each day I will let things slide and go into denial. Others ONLY weigh at their doc's office at regular scheduled appointments. That seems to work better for them. You will have to find out what works best for you and then go for it! Best of luck! Beth
   — BethVBG

April 25, 2001
I do not keep a scale in the house: I am neurotic enough!! (LOL) I weigh myself at my sister's house about every two weeks. It's been over 2 weeks now and I am very curious as to how much I weigh. Maybe Ill pop into the doctor's office tomorrow to weigh in.
   — Jeannet

April 25, 2001
Hubby bought me a very nice electronic scale I wanted from Sharper Image. I weigh every morning because I want to see patterns and catch any serious gain BEFORE it gets worse. I don't get all bent out of shape if I gain a pound or two, because I know the next day I might be down three. That's just the way it goes for me. So I guess I agree everyone does it differently, just see what works for you.
   — Maria H.

April 25, 2001
I used to weigh every morning, but now at 16 months don't care if I miss a few days. Some of my friends don't own a scale, only weighing at the doctor's office or gym. Do what you feel most comfortable doing. I do suggest that if you weigh weekly or more often that you track your weight each time. I swore I had plateaus lasting weeks, when it was only days. The records kept me sane. I recommend Dietwatch ( if you also want to record food or protein intake. If you only want to record your weight, tack a calendar with a pen on a string on the wall above your scale. Then record your weight each and every time you weigh. Good luck!
   — Duffy H.

April 25, 2001
This is an area where everyone simply has to find what works best for them. Pre-op, I purchased a very expensive digital scale and proceeded to weigh myself daily, if not several times a day, post-op. Then the inevitable plateaus began to happen, and weighing daily made me crazy! My surgeon reminded me that the rate of weight loss and the frequency of plateaus varies from person to person and are influenced by multiple factors: age, gender, hormones, metabolism, exercise/activity, etc... He suggested that I stop comparing my weight loss with others and weigh only once a month which would enable me to be pleasantly surprised when I weighed instead of insanely frustrated. This has worked for me, but it wasn't always easy. Until I learned to "trust" the surgery and truly believe that this was not just another futile attempt to lose weight that would inevitably fail, I would continue to sneak a peek at the scales at intervals. As the inches continued to fall away, I became less obsessive about weighing, and I became a much happier and more calm person :-) Good luck!'ll find what works for you.
   — Diana T.

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