Surgery is tomorrow - I want to say thank you

Thanks to everyone who sent their best wishes. It means a lot to me. I was doing great until today. Now I'm getting a little teary. I know I have made the right decision and look forward to having it over with!    — georgiacarol (posted on August 30, 2000)

August 30, 2000
Good Luck to you
   — snicklefritz

August 30, 2000
You will do fine. Being teary can be expected. Just think of it as your new birthday...the first day of the rest of your life. I send you virtual hugs & strength ... Tori
   — Tori F.

August 30, 2000
Good luck to you. Just believe that everything will be fine and it will. I'm almost 5 weeks post-op and I had great care and had no problems. I lost 25# by my 2 week Dr. appointment. I consider Aug. 4th my new birthday!
   — Julia D.

August 30, 2000
You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I had the tears too but please don't worry you have many people thinking of you as you start your new life. What a great life it will be to be healthier, happier and able to live again. You will do fine and soon will be on the other side.
   — Rebecca D.

August 31, 2000
Georgia, hang in there. I pray everything has gone well with the surgery - I am sure it will all work out! You are taking control of your health, and you won't regret it! Let me know how it all turned out. Hugs!!!
   — Paula G.

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