Has anyone had trouble sleeping just before surgery?

My surgery is in 11 days and I am having a terrible time getting enough sleep. I go to sleep in about the usual amount of time, but wake up a few hours later and can't go back to sleep. Sometimes I wake up really early - like this morning - 4 a.m. I can't do any work around the house or I will wake up my family and by the time it gets light enough to take a walk I'm so tired all I want to do is go back to bed. The only good thing is that when I don't sleep well I look terrible so no one at work is questioning my need for surgery! I have sleep apnea and use a cpap machine so I know it's not that. Should I ask my doctor for a few sleeping pills? Any suggestions?    — georgiacarol (posted on August 20, 2000)

August 19, 2000
I had trouble sleeping two weeks prior to surgery due to my anxiousness. I would wake up counting the hours and imagining myself thin. Thinking, yay, this is my last fat summer! I never got sleeping pills, and sometimes just took a nap in the afternoon to make up for it. After surgery, it took about 10 days to sleep through the night because I couldn't sleep on my side or stomach like I was used to, so I would wake up with my back hurting. When I was able to sleep on my side again, I started getting my 8 hours again. Good luck, this is just another temporary side effect of your new life!
   — Allie B.

August 20, 2000
Dear Georgia, I also use a CPAP machine, and have been having sleep interuptions the last few nights. I just keep my eyes closed & generally I go back to sleep. The sleeping problems you are having could possibly be as a result of anxiety or depression. Tell your doctor about your problem and how long this has been going on and see what he/she suggests. Good Luck & Sweet Dreams:) Sending Warm Healing Skinny thoughts to all:) ttfn 3days & counting:)
   — Barbara I.

August 21, 2000
Hang in there, Georgia, this too shall pass. It's natural to get jumpy before surgery. If it really becomes a problem, then I agree that you should consult with your surgeon about taking something for it. It's very important for you to get your rest prior to surgery because if you don't, you will really feel it when you're in recovery. As far as the CPCP goes, you can look forward to soon getting rid of it as I have! Good luck!!!
   — Paula G.

August 21, 2000
This sounds like classic anxiety. Try every method you can to relax and calm yourself throughout the day and when you go to bed. You might want to see if your doctor can prescribe something for the short while before surgery. You want to be in the best shape for your surgery possible. I know your mind must have a million racing things going thru it and when that happens making ones self relax just doesn't happen. Call your doc.
   — JennyLynn A.

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