Can anything go wrong with our bodies after Wls?

I am now 3 months post-op I had the Rny surgery. I am feeling fine and havelost 50 lbs now. I go for my 3 month chec up tommarrow and am thinkng of what I want to ask. I stll worry that something may go wrong with my surgery what complications could happen this late of date from surgery if any?    — Candy I. (posted on March 5, 2000)

March 5, 2000
Candy, Good question..... I'm wondering the same thing. {I'm only two months post-op though.} I'm assuming that since no one has replied yet, means that no one has experienced complications this far out. Good Luck and keep up the good work......Dani
   — Dani J.

March 5, 2000
Candy: I'm only three months postop so can only give my experience during this time.. I have had no complications all my blood work is normal at this point.. I take my Viactiv Calcium Chew+ twice a day and my Flintstones Complete twice a day. Both taste really good and I consider these my treats ;-) also one 3.5 oz. can of V8 juice a day as one of my snacks also gives me beta carotene and many other vitamins. Long term I can't tell you yet but statistics show as long as getting in the needed protein and vitamins all should be just fine.. Proximal Rny is a restrictive not a malabsorptive type surgery......
   — Victoria B.

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