How and when do they put this in?

   — Mark L. (posted on October 6, 1999)

October 5, 1999
Our doctor puts it in after they've begun anesthesia. You don't know. And it isn't that bad. It can be kind of annoying in your throat, but I've had 'em where I barely felt anything. It's more gross to LOOK at, than to feel. But it's vacuuming up the post-op debris in your pouch! Be thankful it's there!
   — vitalady

October 6, 1999
Hi--The ng tube goes in through our nostril, down your throat, into your stomach to drain acids, blood, etc. (it keeps you from getting sick after surgery) They put it in during the surgery, so you won't know a thing about it. Afterwards, removal time is up to your surgeon--some keep it in only a day or two, others for more (my surgeon kept in in for 4 days) Hope this helps!
   — charlene M.

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