Can a 30 minute walk be replaced by two 15 minute walks?

I have a full time sit down job and the only time I can exercise is during my breaks. Me and 4 other co-workers use our breaks to walk around our building. We measured how many times around equals one mile and we do a mile twice a day (It actually takes us 20 minutes each time but luckily we have a pretty cool boss and she doesn't quibble about 5 minutes :-) But I've read that the body doesn't start burning stored fat until after 30 minutes of walking. Am I wasting my time? I sure hope not because I don't have time to exercise otherwise and I am desperately trying to jumpstart my weightloss again. I did not lose a lot of weight after surgery (426/317 in 2 years) but I still can not eat a large volume of food and I still dump sometimes so I'm trying to do this without a revision. Anyway we get a pretty good workout. Our office is on the 3rd floor so we always take the stairs for our walks--I'm talking twice a day 5 days a week, something I would never do before wls. Sooooo! My question is can I expect to lose weight walking a twenty minute mile twice a day?    — Kathy D. (posted on April 25, 2005)

April 25, 2005
In a word; YES
   — pattybre

April 25, 2005
Any movement is good movement! Good for you for taking the time to do this for yourself!
   — RebeccaP

April 25, 2005
Some is better than none. What about weekends ?
   — lindarodham6

April 25, 2005
Kathy, Any walking is better than none. You should be able to eat 3 small meals a day. You are far enough out from surgury that you should be able to eat mostly protein & vegetables without problems. Eat slower and smaller bites. Stick to 3 4 or 5 oz meals a day no snacks & hae those meals be mostly protein. Stay away from carbs, if you are eating them they will make you dump more than anything. Drink lots of water at least 64 oz or more a day & make sure you take vitamins. Your weight loss should drop again. If you want to e-mail directly I will help you. I have lost 140 lbs since 3-15-04 & am still losing. My e-mail is [email protected]. I will be glad to help you trough this if you want me to. Marilyn, the Bearlady
   — Marilyn C.

April 25, 2005
Hi Kathy, I don't have an answer to your question. I would think that the walking you are doing will help greatly. If nothing else, it's very good for your heart and will help firm you up building muscle mass. Exercise alone doesn't make you lose weight, but it will certainly help you. The reason I'm posting mainly is to say that I'm very proud of you for trying to do this on your own. I think many people instantly begin to look into revision once they hit that level of plateau. To say that you believe you can do this without a revision says a lot about how much your self confidence has grown. I'm glad you believe in yourself and I wish you good luck. I think you'll do great. Congrats, Mel
   — Melinda M.

April 26, 2005
The new reports out say that it doesn't matter if it is a straight 30 minutes or split 2 or 3 times. You get the same effect from the excercise doing 2 - 15 minute walks as you do 1 - 30 minute walk. Keep up the excercise and enjoy the company to talk to while you walk. You might start adding another walk as time goes by, maybe after work. Good Luck and enjoy your excercising.
   — jk_harris

April 26, 2005
Hi Kathy, I have alsways heard if you cant put together a full half hour, you can divide it up into 15 minute increments, every little bit helps and you are not wasting your time. I am only 7 weeks out from the surgery, sometimes getting back to the basics of only eating 3x a day, no snacks, stop water 1/2 hour before you eat and at least 1/2 hour after you eat and drink 64 ozs of water per day, protien first always. good luck with your jump start.
   — amitto1

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