Is hull-free popcorn ok to eat in small amounts?

I found a hull-free popcorn called Black Pearl. If I pop it in an airpopper and ate small amounts, would it slow down my weightloss or cause a digestive problem?    — Donna H. (posted on November 1, 2004)

November 1, 2004
I was in the grocery store the other day and thought about getting some popcorn. But, then I read the nutritional value. Although it was 98% fat free, it had 28 grams of carbs, none of which were dietary fiber. I couldn't see putting this many empty carbs into my body. Hope this helps
   — GWilliamson

November 1, 2004
I eat microwave popcorn in the mini bags on a regualr basis. It is not hull free, and so far never a problem. I just don't eat the unpopped kernals.
   — **willow**

November 2, 2004
I eat a regular sized bag of Orville Redenbacher Smart Pop Kettle Corn every night! I've done this for a year with no negative side effects at all. I'm 18 months out & have maintained my goal weight for the last 8 months. I say enjoy!
   — fowlerloriann

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