has anyone used noni juice right after surgery and did you have any problems with it?

I'm 5 days post-op and my parents who sells Noni Juice said i should be drinking but i'm afraid it will not agree with my stomach...suggestions please!    — constance R. (posted on October 4, 2004)

October 4, 2004
What is IN Noni juice? If it's got sugar, STAY AWAY FROM IT. If it's got any weird herbs or anything, talk to your surgeon before you take anythign like that. You wouldn't want to hurt your pouch!

October 4, 2004
What is Noni Juice? And how does one juice a Noni?
   — kultgirl

October 5, 2004
Hello there. I know that noni juice is very good for healing purposes, but it does not matter how wonderful something is: if you put the wrong thing in your pouch too soon, you will suffer. I assume that you are just starting out on the clear liquids phase. Since noni juice is very thick and dense, why don't you dilute it with water untill it becomes clear, and then sip it in small amounts like you would any clear juice. I hope this helps.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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