PLEASE HELP massive swellling after plastic surgery??????

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!! I had a circumferential lower body lift with abdominoplasty on Sept 2 weeks ago. I have had some major complications that have left all my physicians perplexed. I am wondering if anyone out there has experienced anything I am going through????? The Dr. removed 11lbs of tissue and I lost about 650cc's of blood during surgery. Subsequently I lost another 2000cc's of blood and fluid out of my four JP drains which have now been removed. During a totally normal recovery at one week post-op I developed massive + 4 pitting edema in my feet and legs which gravitated all the way up to my chest. I gained 19lbs of fluid in 4 days. I was checked for everything, electrolytes, blood clots, cardiac issues, CT's, etc. The only thing that came back is that I am now anemic...... my hemoglobin is a 9.1(they wanted to transfuse me but I refused) and my calcium is a little low but everything else is fine except for terrible swelling in my legs and feet still 2 weeks later. I cant find any information about this but all the Dr.'s are attributing it to 3rd space interstitial swelling and the fact that my body is trying to make up for what it has lost by swelling. Please anyone who can offer me any help it would be greatly appreciated. I am not taking any medication expect Tylenol. At this point and I am very scared of supplementing with iron since I also ending up with a bowel impaction/obstruction despite daily laxative use post-operatively so I am just doubling up on my vitamins, taking laxatives, restricting fluid intake per the Dr. and eating and iron rich diet. I did use IV Lasix in the hospital which is the only place it worked. The pills didn't work at all and the Dr. was worried about bringing down my potassium so she D/C'd that too. Is this swelling normal and will it ever go away?????? Please if you can offer any help let me know I am so tired of my legs looking like an elephants. By the way my surgery was 7 hours long and I am healthy 33 year old without any complications from my gastric bypass in which I lost 160lbs. Thank you to anyone who can help......and yes I have tried ice and elevation for my legs plus I am wearing my compression surgical garment this point I still weigh 3lbs more than I did on the day of surgery. email me [email protected] Wendi Open RNY 9/19/02 post op circumferential lower body lift 9/13/04    — lovemonterey (posted on September 26, 2004)

September 26, 2004
While I am not a doctor and can't really address your specific problem, I can say that if ALL labs were ok, except what you detail, the swelling WILL subside. The body is a pretty miraculous thing--I had a TT and hernia repair 7/23/04 and was so swollen (hips/crotch/etc) and frankly I was a bit concerned. I also weighed more than when I had the surg for a while post op, but it DID subside, and resolve, and I am now appx 20+ pounds lower than that date. 6# of fat/skin were removed by my surgeon btw. Not sure if this helps you but as I say, you are JUST 2 wks...have patience. Good luck
   — zena X.

September 27, 2004
Hi Wendi, I have had many surgeries due to an accident a few years ago. I have also had some major non-defined swelling problems in the past. I am not a Dr., but I can tell you what the Dr's did with me. They gave me a diuretic, had me reduce salt and sodium from my diet (no soda, flavored waters etc) and told me to walk. Laying around increased fluid build up, walking helped ALOT. Also, check the laxative bottle. Many contain sodium! Perhaps it is the laxative causing the swelling. I was put on HCTZ which is a non-potassium robbing diuretic. Lastly they did a kidney function test. My kidneys were fine. Best wishes, Maggie B.
   — M B.

September 27, 2004
I don't know if this is the case for you, but my PS claims that as you heal, the swelling goes with gravity, and eventually goes away. After my abdominoplasty 6 weeks ago, I was pretty swollen in the incision area. As time has passed, this has really gone down quite a bit, but my pubic area is pretty puffy. It is lifted, but a bit swollen. I saw the PS last week, and he said my healing was on target and the swelling would eventually go away. It can take up to 6 months for most people. Hopefully the swelling will end for you soon. Good luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

September 27, 2004
Thank you to all who offered their advice and prayers about my awful post op lower body lift swelling in the last couple of days. I have really been blessed after just 1 treatment from an acupuncturist yesterday. My edema is virtually gone!!!!!!!!!!!! She also worked on my constipation(I had a great bm for the first time in months last night), pain(still there but less intense) and my sense of over all well being and health was treated!!!!!! The treatment lasted nearly three hours since the first hour was spent taking my history and talking to me. They even except insurance in most offices for a portion of the fees which was only$60 dollars for all that I received . Just to walk through the ER doors costs thousands and rarely works to help anything. It was a very earthy or granola kind of experience but I was desperate and it really worked so I wanted to share this with anyone who may be in a world of hurt as a new post op of any kind!!!!!! It is very important that you seek out a licensed ( acupuncturist practitioner which most states list on their government website so make sure and check for that. My practitioner really listened which was so interesting for me coming from such a traditional nursing medical background. She also provided me with a lot of food and supplement advice for my anemia. Plus I really had to surrender myself to allowing her in my mind to help which is huge for me.............I am not a laid back person.....type A+ would be a good description!!!!!!! I am going back on Friday for another edema treatment. Again it was virtually painless just a few randomly placed tiny pin pricks and slight pain when the needle points were biggie at all!!!!!!!! The feeling of calmness that overtook me afterward and the immediate results were quite miraculous. She also said something to me that really hit home. She said to accept my decision to have both of my procedures the weight loss surgery and my body lift as courageous choice's and to and leave my regrets behind!!!!! The mind is a powerful thing and regret somehow hampers healing. I am just in a better place today and I am so hopeful that the worst part of this is over for me now. She did add that asking for prayer was a strong force in helping the body heal too so thank you to all who did that for me too!!!!! I just wanted to share this with everyone that has written and read about me. You just never know what might work. Love to my AMOS siblings......Wendi.......Lower Body Lift SURVIVOR 9/13/04!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup:
   — lovemonterey

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