What Vitamins do you take after becoming pregnant?

I am 5 weeks pregnant and 11 months post-op...was given the ok by the surgeons from pacific bariatrics and am only 12 lbs from my goal question is this is my first pregnancy and I don't have a first appt till July what viatmins have your docs recommended to stop and take after becomming pregnant???    — Susan D. (posted on June 24, 2004)

June 24, 2004
They make vitamins specifically for pregnant women called prenatals. You can get them at the drug store or through a prescription from your doctor. I get mine at the health food store. I actually take them anyway because they are just a bit more complete and I have had horrid hair loss and they seem to be the only thing that helps. Best of luck to you!!!
   — Carol S.

June 25, 2004
Congratulations! Your doctor will more than likely prescribe prenatal vitamins. Please don't take anything until your first appointment, if you "needed" to be taking anything right now, your doctor would have you come in earlier. Be patient and wait to speak to your doctor. May you have a healthy and happy pregnancy! Sherry S
   — sac287

June 26, 2004
(I hope I am wrong, but...) Your OB Doc probably has little to no experience with GBS patients, who are now pregnant. We are the research for which future patients will benefit. I am an OB/GYN Nurse Practitoner and I did find one good research article that said that we should take the prenatal vitamines IN ADDITION to the regular vitamines our WLS tells us to take. It also said that we should not do the regular sugar test b/c it could make us dump. It suggested a Fasting Gluclose/HgA1C instead. The had a suggestion for amenia as well. I found the article on the web and mailed it to my Nurse Midwives to have for my next baby (God willing).
   — Kerijohnson

June 26, 2004
I just had a baby in May and will be 2 years post-op in July. My OB specifically took me off the reg. multi vitimin I was taking (Centrum Adult chewables) and told me to only take the pre-natal. She explained that reg multi-vits have too much Vit A and that can harm the baby (you can google it to find some articles about it). I did take two a day, one a.m. and one p.m. In addition, I continued to take the extra iron, Vit C and calcium that was part of my reg daily vitamin regimin. Good luck and congratulations on the baby!
   — Ali M

July 12, 2004
Congratulations!!! February 5th is my due date. I am 11 weeks pregnant and 17 months post-op rny. 305/135 (made it to goal!). My Obgyn has delivered 2 other gastric bypass patient's babies, both were normal uneventful deliveries. She asked me to discontinue taking my multi-vitamin and just take the prenatal she prescribed, calcium citrate, b12 and iron. I am mildly anemic right now, but my ranges have actually improved since february when I last had them done. I am so excited and happy, morning sickness is kicking my butt right now but I don't care. Good luck!
   — Cupcake B.

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