Could I be getting palpitations due to dumping?

I get palpitations after eating different foods, especially protein drinks. Could this be a form of dumping?    — betseylovelace (posted on October 20, 2003)

October 20, 2003
Watch the sugar intake. Dumping will give you palpitations. Too much sugar in one's system will put a person into a tachycardic state. It feels like your heart is pumping right out of your chest. Some people also do it with too much fat.
   — Sue A.

October 20, 2003
How do you make up your protein drinks? Does the naked protein have less than 6g sugar per 30g protein? A cup of milk has 12g, juice more like 20-40g sugar. Could be your "mixer" that's making you feel bad. Have you tried powder + water? Palpitations, sleepy, dry mouth, nausea, cold hands/feet, confusion.... any or all. Dumping
   — vitalady

October 21, 2003
I get palps when I dump. Not only sugar but fat and if I over eat it is the worst dumping I get! Just lie down and it will pass. Wendy
   — Wendy H.

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