Why does this I doing something wrong?

Hi all. I have asked similar questions like this but I am still so frustrated. This morning I ate a piece of toast. This is the first time I have eaten bread in 8 weeks. The toast went down fine, I felt fine. However, about half Hour later I tried to drink some liguid and it would not go down...or should I say it went down and just felt stuck and I had my spitting episodes and now I feel fine...but why on liguids??? Please help...somedays I feel really good about my decision and other days I wish I had my old tummy back!! Denise Open RNY 7/1/03 256/200/140    — Denise D. (posted on August 30, 2003)

August 30, 2003
A half an hour may be too soon for liquid after toast for you. I know that if I tried to eat bread before 18 months out, it took FOREVER for it to go through my pouch!! Liquids made me feel so gross, even an hour and a half after!! Perhaps you need to consider doing without bread at all for at least a year... it isn't so bad!! :~) Hugs!
   — Sharon m. B.

August 30, 2003
I find this happens to me if I drink too soon after eating. I would try waiting a little longer to drink. I did not eat bread until recently at 4 1/2 months out - I was scared it would get all gooey and get stuck in my pouch.
   — Barbara C.

August 30, 2003
(1): You are drinking too soon after eating (2): I am seven months out and have only had about three peices of bread the whole time. I didn't have any until about four months out.
   — Delores S.

August 30, 2003
You drank before your puch had time to evacuate the mushy toast. Why on liquids? the toast acted as a damn and the liquid had no where to go.
   — M B.

August 30, 2003
10 mos post op and still cannot do bread. The upside to this: I don't even WANT it. LOVE this surgery!! I hope I NEVER can do bread again.
   — Ginger M.

August 30, 2003
I agree with everyone else - I think you ate bread -even toasted too soon. It tends to gum up and is forming a dam keeping the fluid from going through. I personally almost never eat breat. I amd 20 months post op and had half a bacon sandwich this week - first sandwich I've had since surgery.
   — Patty_Butler

August 30, 2003
I could not do toast until 6 months. Bread is still touch and go for me. Some days I can eat a couple of bites and then I have to stop (like with a sandwich) and other days I can eat slowly, chew well and get down a whole half of a sandwich. I've never eaten a whole sandwich. At six months I was able to do one slice of toast with tea when I was sick and not eating anything else but normally I can't do bread and liquids within hours of each other.
   — susanje

August 30, 2003
Hey Denise, your not doing anything wrong. Remember carbs are the enemy. The surgery is just reminding you of that. I'm 6 months post and still get queasy with just a bite of bread...Nea
   — gyneasmith

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