Has anyone used massage in their pre and\or post-op journey

I have been getting massages weekly and I am six weeks from my surgery. I am having him concerntrate on feet and calves as well as relaxation. I need to know if I can continue after surgery. Has anyone felt that it helped speed their recovery. Thanks all. :)    — Jamie D. (posted on April 12, 2003)

April 12, 2003
I have been having massages for over two years monthly. I had my second ons since my surgery on 2/24/03. LAP RNY! It was wonderful. The best thing about the entire session was my thearpist telling me she could feel my weight lost. Go ahead, have one you will enjoy!!!
   — gwensbypass

April 12, 2003
If he is concentrating on your lower body, I see now reason why you cannot continue. It could help in your recovery, atleast make you more relaxed or so. I did massage therapy, didn't really help in my recovery. But I also had to wait to continue b/c they focus on my back, shoulders and neck b/c I have sever muscle spasms. It's great way to relax though, especially with candles and music. :-) goodluck to you
   — Lezlie Y.

April 12, 2003
Have used massage all along. Has helped with sscar tissue after the extra surgeries, as well as unscrambling computer-neck.
   — vitalady

April 15, 2003
I have been getting an hour massage for the past 3 months every 3 weeks. Now I upped to a 1 1/2 hour massage so they can work on the abs more intensely. The therapist said she could feel a lump of tight muscle deep in my abdomen that could be causing my lower back pain and we worked on that. She also worked on relaxing the actual abdominal muscles themselves because they were tight. She says this will also aid in the scar tissue and keep it evened out, etc. I am thankful everytime I get my massage, I am spending money on myself not to feed me trying to comfort myself anymore, but to relax myself and help me LOVE ME! I recommend it to everyone!!!
   — csmurphy67

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