Would like to hear from post-menopausal WLS patients regarding hair loss.

My hair became thinner following menopause. Now, 5 months out of WLS, I'm losing hair as was predicted. Does being post-menopausal affect its regrowth? In other words, should I expect less hair to grow back because I'm an old fart? Thanks    — CarmenLin (posted on April 11, 2003)

April 11, 2003
Well, first of all, we are not OLD farts! :-) I am post-menopausal also and lost a lot of hair at about 4 months out. Mine has always been pretty thin, but it has come back just fine. I don't think it's any thinner now that when I was pre-op. It has also come back with a little bit of a natural wave, which I am loving. I did have it cut really short so that the loss wouldn't show as much, but have kept it that way cause it's so easy to take care of.
   — garw

April 11, 2003
I'm 54, 53 when I had surgery. I kept losing hair longer than most, up to the 1 year mark. Fortunately it all grew back with no change in the overall texture and thickness.
   — LLinderman

April 11, 2003
I am menopausal due to a hysterectomy @ 21. I also had my Roux en Y just over six months ago. My hair was falling out like you wouldn't believe just about 2 months ago. Now, it's growing back. Fuller, and brighter, probably healthier then it was. I don't know I'm very happy with all aspects of this surgery. 9-25-03 -102 lbs so far!
   — Rachel W.

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