Do you really have to take 2 hours to chew your food? I only get 30 Min. for lunch.

   — shelbabyrn (posted on January 28, 2003)

January 28, 2003
TWO HOURS??? NO, No, NO......sorry, did not mean to yell. You really should only be eating what you are able to hold in your stomach in about 20-30 minutes. Eating for two hours straight would give you no time to drink anything!! Ohhhh, so much confusing information out there!!
   — Vicki L.

January 28, 2003
Eating beyond 20-30 minutes per meal would be considered grazing and would soon keep you from losing weight. Chewing well and taking time between your bites should still have you feeling satisfied after 20-30 minutes.
   — Dana B.

January 28, 2003
I completely agree with the previous posters, and I think you will find that 20-30 minutes is the average. I usually only need 15-20 minutes at 8 months post-op. Everything that goes in my mouth usually takes like 30-40 chews. (yes, I counted once LOL) But def. anything more than that means you will be probably be able to eat more and that isn't necessarily good.
   — Lezlie Y.

January 28, 2003
I eat completely normal. No one would ever be able to notice a difference. I don't even notice a difference except for maybe I cut a steak into a little smaller bites than I used to.
   — Linda A.

January 28, 2003
nope - it only FEELS like it in the early months when you chew everything to death :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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