Is there any omega or essential oil that can be taken by mouth to help dry skin?

I am having a really hard time with dry skin. I am using a large bottle of lotion every week    — uawrn (posted on January 19, 2003)

January 19, 2003
Try the Nuetrogena after shower oil - it's worked wonders for me! Evening Primrose Oil can be found in gel caps, and work well for womyn. If you had the BDP/DS, you are only absorbing 20-30% of the fat that you ingest - you might try upping your fat content, too. Good Luck!
   — JAFMartin

January 19, 2003
Yes. Coromega can even be absorbed by RNY & BPD people. It's in a non-oil form. It's little packets, smaller than a fast food ketchup. The OMegas are in a "pudding" like form, orange creamsicle. Not bad, actually. I tested these in my own distal blood to be SURE it works before recommending it.
   — vitalady

January 19, 2003
Hi.. My skin was really really dry and nothing I tried helped...Until I purchased HYDRApHEL Complex by Erno Laszlo...After a couple of weeks my skin was as soft as a kidding..I was amazed..You can do a search on the Internet for what stores sell it...It was expensive but worth every penny....Hope this helps you...
   — Suzanne S.

January 19, 2003
Flaxseed oil is a wonderful source of Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids. I'm also living proof that it lowers cholesterol, also! I buy the cold pressed Flora brand high lignan flax oil from the healthfood store. You get a much greater concentration fo the essential fatty acids from the liquid rather than purchasing the capsules. You can use it in place of butter or salad dressing. Caveat - it can be an "acquired" taste. Also - a trick I used to avoid stretch marks when pregnant was to rub baby oil into my skin before getting out of the shower. Simply towel off as usual and use lotion as needed. Keeps skin supple. Sometimes it's just really hard to keep dry skin under control in the winter months.
   — jnc

January 19, 2003
hey there.. i had horribly dry skin post op.. then i started taking dry vitiman e.. does wonders..
   — johanna F.

January 20, 2003
There is a wonderful oil called Udos and can be purchased at It has a lot of different oils. I know the creator has a website but don't know the address. I put some in my protein drinks in the morning but you can also put on salads for dressing with some vinegar. It helps many many things including dry skin.
   — susanje

January 20, 2003
Our bodies do not process oil correctly. I have been taking Coromega (I get it from Vitalady) and it resolved my dry skin problems within the first week. I had a bariatric physician suggest fish oil when I was on a protein sparing fast for over a year. Coromega has the same omega 3 fatty acids in a non-oily base.
   — JoAnn B.

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