I am hopefully about 1 mo. preop so I started taking the vitamins.

My Dr. wants us to start the vitamins about 1 month preop. So I am taking B12, Vit C, Calcium, and Centrum. The iron in the centrum already has me constipated. I am sure it will be worse after surgery. What can I do to help this now and after surgery?    — Kim N. (posted on January 15, 2003)

January 15, 2003
First check with your Dr. but mine allows Milk of Magnesia. I have to say that what your body does after surgery is so different than before so it may not be an issue for you as a post op. Wendi
   — lovemonterey

January 15, 2003
You can start working fiber into your diet. 100% whole wheat bread and pasta, oatmeal, fruit, veggies, etc. It will help keep things moving. Be sure to drink your water. Also exercise helps.
   — ctyst

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