I saw the surgeon yesterday about the open procedure.

I ask him how long I would have to be off of work. I am a lab technician in a busy lab. He sounded like a little over a week would probably be ok. I don't think I am going for that. It sounds too soon to me. How long will I really need to be healed and rested? 3 weeks??    — Kim N. (posted on December 22, 2002)

December 21, 2002
My doctor balked when I talked of going back after 2 weeks, but said it really would depend on how I felt and how eating was going. If you are on your feet a lot in your job I bet you won't have the stamina. There is a fine line between pushing your body to get it moving and strong and pushing it too far that it can't heal correctly. I'd plan on 2 weeks and play the 3rd by ear. I'm thinking I will be able to work at least 1/2 days the 3rd week. I also can do a lot of work from home so may opt to do that so I can rest when I need to.
   — zoedogcbr

December 21, 2002
Everyone is different. I am 39 years old, started at 275 pounds. I have a desk job & take public transportation (bus & train to work). I was off for 2 weeks, and went back part time the third week. My first weeks were devoted to getting into a new routine (eating, drinking, vitamins, protein supplements, walking & bathroom!). I would think that 1 week is really, really pushing it. You should allow yourself at least 2 weeks. It sounds like you have a very busy job, I'd try to take 3 weeks if I were you. YOU are worth it, this surgery is worth it, and you owe yourself the opportunity for this extra time to get rested so you can get off to a good start healing. Good luck to you, keep us posted on your progress.
   — Valerie B.

December 22, 2002
I had an open and wanted to go back to work at 3 weeks- but primary care MD refused to sign me out for less than six weeks. In hind sight- physically I could have gone back sooner, but your body is still healing and the extra rest and stress free time, helped- (plus it was fun to go back to work 40 pounds lighter instead of 20)
   — ~~Stacie~~

December 22, 2002
HI Kim, it is so funny how all of our doctors have different ideas huh? Mine says that you need to take at least 4 weeks to recover properly. I am two weeks out tomorrow and I don't think that I could stand for 8 hours and do your job. I feel great and I am eating well and having no problems. My body is good at letting me know when it is time to take a rest, and I dont have much choice but to comply quickly! I agree with the other posters, take the time off to allow your body to heal properly, and for yo to adjust to the new tummy, you are worth it!
   — poohdotsmom2

December 22, 2002
I would love to have my surgery now, but I am a teacher and I don't think I would get the time off and if I did,I don't want to rush back to work after only 3 weeks home. I also don't want to leave my students with a subsititute. My surgeon only does the open procedure and I feel with the kind of job that I have I will need at least 6-8 weeks off. So I hope to have a summer surgery which will give me 6-8 weeks off.
   — Lisa N.

December 22, 2002
One week is ridiculous. I was still sleeping in a recliner, and awake at all hours after a week. And to hunch over a microscope? I went back to my desk job after 3 weeks, which was do-able, although I was a little tired. Also, you are learning what you can and cannot tolerate eating. Work is not the place to do that.
   — Lesa H.

December 22, 2002
I had my surgery (open - Dr. Leitman) almost 1 year ago and I was out of work for 5 weeks. I probably gone back after 4 weeks but I was so tired from surgery. Most surgeons don't take out your staples until 2 weeks after surgery so if you went back in 1 week you would still have your staples. Please take your time and relax while you are out because once you start to lose weight you will start to be so active. I cannot imagine going back now - I have so much energy. I hope this helps. - Tracy
   — tracyr

December 22, 2002
Hi, I just met with a surgeon about open and he said three weeks! I really need to get back to school faster than that, besides, I just sit and take notes anyway. He said it's all going to depend on the amount of pain. If I feel good in two weeks...okay. Good luck!
   — Kimberly S.

December 22, 2002
I had open RNY on 4/29/02 (-122) and was back to work full time after four weeks. I couldn't have done much earlier than that because I was just getting my strength back. Until you start eating "normally" you're pretty weak. I started eating "regular" food at 10 days out and still had to wait four weeks to go back. I'm surprised your doctor said one week. I also have a desk job, so I think that makes a difference too! Good luck!
   — stacey L.

December 23, 2002
i would say it depends on your age i am 55 and was not ready to go back to work even at 6 weeks but my neighbor is 35 and she was read at 3 weeks so it depends on the person and i think the age has a lot to do with i good luck

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