Help my boyfriend wants to break up 3weeks before surgery!!

My boyfriend and I live together and have been togehter for over 2 years. I think that he is scared that I will become skinny and leave him. He says that this is not it...but all of a sudden this has come up?? Has anyone else had this problem when your surgery finally became a reality?? My date is Oct 14    — Lisa L. (posted on September 20, 2002)

September 20, 2002
If he is that insecure,,,, let him leave. YOU don't need that in your life
   — Linda L.

September 20, 2002
When my boyfriend heard that I was getting this surgery the first words out of his mouth were "you're going to lose all this weight and find another guy." I'm not that shallow!! We have been together for 2 1/2 years. He supported me all the way through. I am now 3 1/2 months post-op LAP RNY, and down 60 pounds. But he was very insecure himself. Unfortunately, we are now having problems, but it is more my side and i cannot explain it. Ever since the surgery, I find myself not affectionate anymore, not wanting to be intimate with him, and it has deeply affected our relationship. I also have a chronic illness, where I have had headaches for the past 6 months that are debilitating and have not given me an ounce of relief this whole time, which can be factored in. <p>I would sit your boyfriend down and talk with him. This is a major surgery that you need his support with, and you've been together for a long time, you obviously love eachother and you're not just going to "get skinny and leave him." He just needs to be reassured of that fact. i hope you can work things out. If you want to talk, e-mail me [email protected]
   — Lezlie Y.

September 20, 2002
I'm sure this isn't the "touchy-feely" response you're looking for, but let him go. Sometimes you just gotta cut your losses and move on. You have a right to be with someone who is loving and supportive. I have a feeling you've "settled" for this relationship up until now and you shouldn't settle for anything! So if he wants to go, let him. You've got much bigger things to worry about now - like getting healthy and focusing on YOU! Good luck to you, whatever you decide.
   — Angie M.

September 20, 2002
Well, here's my input and this is the way I am. If someone doesn't want me (for whatever reason), they don't have to tell me twice. I don't want anyone who doesn't want me. If he wants to walk, open the door for him. It sounds like the problem is HIS and not YOURS. Surround yourself by others who care, like good friends and family. It's his loss. I know this sounds easier than done. By why would you want someone who doesn't want YOU? You are worth more than that.
   — Annie H.

September 20, 2002
Hate to disagree but.... I feared the loose weight and leave. This is why I went first getting my WLS. Your SO is worried. Show him lots of affection, attention, and reassurance that you love him and wouldnt be shopping around. You have 2 years invested, try to hold things together. WLS is a MAJOR life change. Its best to do them ONE AT A TIME! Suggest counseling. Practically speaking you will need some help post op as well. A year from now you can consider such a radical step, Now isa not the time unless he is a physical abuser or has something like a drug problem. The psych doc who approves us all says the mental, emotional side has MORE changes than the physical one after surgery. This is a time for caution and practical thinking. He is scared he is going to loose you. That may well mean he REALLY CARES. Just my 2 cents having lived thru this and seeing both sides.
   — bob-haller

September 21, 2002
I have a slightly different take on this. You don't say why HE wants to break up with you, but if he hasn't told you why, then sit down and find out. He may or may not be scared, but I wouldn't assume he is, especially if he has told you he is not. As for letting him go or trying to keep him with you, I'd just be really honest with him and tell him how important he is to you, how much you love him and then let him do whatever he is going to do. If he wants to leave and you get him to stay, he may come to resent you, especially if he reasons for breaking up have nothing to do with your WLS. On the other hand, if you let him go, and then he later regrets his decision, you could always get back together. Being alone is scarey and of course you want those people you care about the most to be there for you and to support you. But, I can assure you from my own expereince, you don't want to have someone around you if they really don't want to be there. Both of you will be miserable and your self-esteem will take a very real hit from it. Best of luck in your relationship and God bless you and your surgeon as you journey over to the other side. Robin
   — rebalspirit

September 21, 2002
Perhaps he is afraid your going to die. If thats a possiblity take him to a support group meeting or take a nearby post op to dinner. Let him hear their story, see the before photo and how surgery worked. He may be afraid you wll die and leave him alone. This may be his effort to save you by breaking up and stopping your surgery. In his mind it may make good sense. I had a best friend pre op who tried to save me. He would of killed me..... Find out motre of whats up, Excellent question1
   — bob-haller

September 24, 2002
My boyfriend says that its not the he says that he just isn't happy. But, he has an aunt who lost a whole bunch of weight and left his uncle. I told him that we need to talk things out and work on our relationship..but I am the only one trying. He says that he is tired of trying. I am soo confused and upset and I live in his condo its not like I can tell him to leave. I need to worry about a place to live and of all times. I think i am about to freak out!
   — Lisa L.

September 24, 2002
Lisa, You are about to take one of the biggest most important steps of your life. If your boyfriend wants out...let him go. You can't make someone love you. If its real, he'll come back but if he is truly unhappy, you must let him go. Take care of yourself and look to the future. Only you can make you happy.
   — Alanphier

September 24, 2002
Lisa, It sounds like your ARE THE ONLY ONE TRYING in this relationship and have been for a very long time. Since it is his condo and you do need a place to live, can you stay there until after you have surgery and then begin looking for your own place to live? If you need someone to help with your confusion, I strongly recommend seeking out short-term counseling to help you through this situation, perhaps a pastor or a social worker. They can help you in short term problem solving, which you will need because you have so much going on presently. Do you have a women's support services agency in your community? This could be another resource to help you put together a strategy for dealing with these changes within the context of your present situation. Alternatively, if everything's feels so overwhelming, perhaps you could put surgery on hold until you have moved and stabelized your living situation. The most important thing to keep in mind is that your have many options and lots of resources to help you figure things out. If you need a friendly and supportive ear, please feel free to email me at [email protected].
   — rebalspirit

September 24, 2002
Hi Lisa, I looked at the pictures of you and your boyfriend, and I maybe out of place, but it looks as if your boyfriend has some eating disorders of his own. By you taking initiative and getting yourself "together" probably has put pressure on him to do the same although he may not be ready to deal with his own issues yet. I was in a unhealthy relationship with a boyfriend who was my "eating partner." When I tried to get help for my weight he was very negative and I finally dumped his a** real quick. I look at it like an alcoholic who still lives in a drinking atmosphere, it's VERY difficult. Sometimes you just need to walk away and take care of yourself. If the relationship is meant to be, it will happen. It's all about timing and right now it's time for you to concentrate on you. It's ok to be selfish for a moment. You have an army of support, you can and will do this, and you will not be alone. Best of luck to you! Cheers :)
   — chickiewickie

September 24, 2002
I'm sorry if someone has said this already... consider it a little tough love... let him go... whether it really is about your surgery or not... and maybe it just isn't.. he just found this the right time to decide to move on.. whatever it is... if he didn't go now, he'd go later. They say in our group.. this surgery is not going to make a bad relationship better; it will make a good relationship even better.<br><br> I know it probably won't be easy, but if you have some friend s and family, concentrate on them and first and foremost concentrate on you. You've got a lot to do in the next couple of weeks and you'll have a lot to do after surgery and you will have to concentrate on YOU. You deserve that, and let me tell you... there's someone wonderful waiting out there.. someone you deserve and you'll be much happier in a year... really! This is a real transition in your life and maybe this is just the right to make the transition out of that relationship. Good luck...
   — Lisa C.

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