Ok, so i finally saw my pcp and she said that she would

give me the referral, she wants me to have a sleep study done, which i plan on calling about on Monday. I've called the surgeon and he will be doing a phone consultation first and I have to wait 2-3 weeks for his return call, which is fine because i'm trying to take things slow. My question is what else should i be doing that can keep things running smooth. I would like to have the surgery in January or February of 2003. Are there certin things that I should have for the insurance company to send to them when the surgeon submits for my approval? I'm really scared that i'm gonna wait to long and doctors won't be performing the surgery anymore. Help me keep my sanity :)    — Stacy I. (posted on August 10, 2002)

August 10, 2002
DONT try to let things go slow. Better to move as fast as possible, get all your pre ops, and then set a surgery daye you want in the future. Things have a way of coming up, Incomplete sleep studies, delays getting tests etc. Better to be ahead of the curve. My wife used your approach and almost didnt get surgery since her insurance was running out. Just a word to the wise from someone who has been there...
   — bob-haller

August 10, 2002
STACY, Call your Insurance Company and ask them exactly what they require to Pre Determine whether they will app your surgery or not. Most Ins want a letter from your PCP advising what "non aggressive" treatments he has had you do for the last 18 mos, A letter from the surgeon advising what Medical Problems you have, What medications you are on, and a list of diet programs or pills you have used. My Ins Anthem requires a "Psychological Evaluation" also. Be sure though what your Ins requires so they wont rej you or ask for additional info later..Good Luck
   — NANCY P.

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