I am in the early stages of trying to get a referral

From my pcp, and i have a friend who is also interested in wls and she has already had the first consult with the surgeon but she was denied by her insurance company because they say it's a cosmetic surgery and ever since then she has been trying to talk me out of trying to have the surgery and i feel like since she thinks she can't have it now she doesn't want me to have it even though she was all for it when she thought she was getting it. It kinda hurts my feelings because she knows all the struggles i've been through with my weight. I haven't even seen my pcp yet (go Wednesday the 7th) but i just thought it was kinda of insensitive for her to now disregard the surgery for me.    — Stacy I. (posted on August 5, 2002)

August 5, 2002
Stacie, If your friend's doc thinks this is cosmetic surgery I would certainly encourage your friend to find a more enlightened doc. As for trying to dissuade you from making your life better and more comfortable---what kind of a friend does that? People do and say things for curious reasons. I have no idea what her motivation may be. I want for you whatever you want for yourself. I know that this surgery has changed my life for the better. It may not be for everyone and everyone may not charge through it the same way I have but it is the single best thing I have done for myself since I married my best friend. <p>I am down more than 130#. My open RNY was 9/11/01 first surgery of the day--just as the 2nd tower fell. I have gone from size 24 jeans to size 6 jeans.
   — phoebe

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