marriage fallen apart because you lost weight?

My spouse prefers a larger woman (obviously ... he is married to me), and it frightens me that he will eventually look to a more full-figured woman once I loose weight (Surgery date October 7, 2002). I will probably still be considered full-figured at the end of my journey, since I have quite a significant amount of weight to loose, but I am definitely going to be smaller than the 350+ frame I am wearily carrying around now. HELP ME get a handle on these feelings.    — Angela B. (posted on July 29, 2002)

July 29, 2002
hi Angela. Don't worry so much. You'll probably find out that your spouse loved you for YOU, at any weight. After you have surgery, your whole life (sex included) will get better, and he'll be just as happy, if not more so than before. If anything, I bet he's worried that you'll leave him when you get smaller! I had these same feelings pre-op. You're normal
   — Monica H.

July 29, 2002
Angela, I am sorry that you are freightned about this. Your profile said that your husband was very supportive of the surgery, has he said or done something to make you think he would prefer that you not loose the weight? I suspect that he wants you to be as happy and healthy as you can be. Have you told him about this fear? I think that he is probably the only one who can reassure you about this. Maybe you should let him know. How wonderful that he loves you the way you are. I fear every day that my husband will leave me for a thinner woman before I get this weight off, but I hope that he loves me for me too.
   — Amber L.

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