How can i get my PCP to reccommend
I'm starting to feel uneasy about my inital visit to my pcp, like she may try to get me to try other diets before she agrees with the surgery. It will be my first time seeing this pcp because i just changed insurance and i'm worried that she won't approve me. is there anything specific i can say to her that will convince her to approve of the surgery, or am i stressing to early over little stuff, i will be bringing with me my medical records from two previous Dr's showing my different attempts of weight loss since the age of 12. I guess i need some reassurance from someone. — Stacy I. (posted on July 24, 2002)
July 24, 2002
Hi there! I wouldn't worry too much. Just don't ask her for her opinion,
let her know from the get go that this is what you are here for today to
get her to referr you to a gastric surgeon. And if she is totally against
it tell her you will find a PCP who will refer you, I'm sure she wouldn't
want to lose you as a patient. Good lUCK!
— Karen W.
July 24, 2002
Do you have a surgeon? If you do get some medical documentation from the
surgeon and take it with you. Be intelligent and well informed on surgery,
the risks and rewards. If they give you a hard time tell them you will be
looking for a different PCP. Be nice but be direct. Call yur surgeon and
ask for WLS friendly PCPs. Attend some support groups too, see what others
— bob-haller
July 24, 2002
Does your insurance company for sure need your PCP to refer you? I have
Wellmark Alliance Select and since my surgeon is a provider of Wellmark I
did not have to go through my PCP. As a matter of fact I did not even
metion to my PCP that I was even considering the surgery. Now after the
fact he is okay with it because he knows I am healthier and how much
loosing weight has helped me. This is just a thought I am sure you have
checked with your insurance company, but if not try to find a place that is
a provider of your insurance. Best Wishes in journey.
— Christy B.
July 24, 2002
If I were you. I would down load as much information on the surgery that
you want to do. Explain to her why you feel that that surgery is right for
you. Don't let her say NO for an answer. My primary care physician told
me to eat right and exercise. Gee thanks doctor like I don't know that!!! I
gave him a whole book of info and told him thaty I had been researching it
for a year and I felt that the RNY was what I wanted to do, and yes I know
the risks and possible complications. I hope this has helped GOOD
— michellemark2764
July 25, 2002
I had the same concerns as you (and for the same reasons too). What I did
was sit down and detail in writing my weight for a 20 year span.. how much
I gained / lost on diets and how much I regained. I also included my family
and medical history and what specific co-morbidities I have, as well as the
ones I fear having if I continue at my current weight or higher. I also
included why I was at a higher risk for cancers based on my weight, and
family history, Then also did a whole page on my mental state, how I came
to the decision to pursue WLS and why. How I felt about myself and my
weight, and also what I was hoping to accomplish with WLS. I had a copy of
this 4 page letter for all the doctors from my PCP onward. My PCP was not
all for the surgery, but after looking at my letter and talking to me, she
agreed to do a referral. Every dr. I saw from there on loved having that
letter and I really believe it made my journey much easier. I started on
this journey in May and will have my surgery next Tuesday!
Hope this helps! Good Luck on your own journey.
— Tami D.
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