Can you wear gel, mousse or hairspray for surgery?

I have naturally curly hair that will turn into a big fro puff if I don't have anything in it. Is it okay to put it on and style my hair as usual or am I just going to have go au naturel? I'm hoping I that I'll be fine with their little surgical caps. My surgery is on Wed. 12/12/01. Thanks in advance.    — tmrivas (posted on December 8, 2001)

December 8, 2001
I also have naturally curly hair. I did my hair as usual with the mousse but avoided the hairspray. Instead I braided my hair and put rubberbands in it. The rubberbands are ok as long as you don't have any metal in your hair.
   — Sharon E.

December 11, 2001
the night before I went in for my surgery they wanted me to wash with Dial antibacterial soap and also the morning of my surgery. They didn't want any make-up, styling products, or jewelry. Look at it this way. You are going in for surgery. Everyone looks like and feels like hell afterwards. It is to be expected. It is just a very small price to pay. Just try to remember that you are at the hospital and not a beauty pageant.
   — [Anonymous]

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