Men - have any males needed breat redution surgery

I had open ryn on 8/13/01 and am down 97lbs so far but I do have breast have for a very long time I know breast are mostly fatty tisue but they don't seem to be getting smaller does insurance ussully cover breast redution for men Thanks for any help    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 18, 2001)

November 18, 2001
We had a plastic surgeon as a support group speaker a couple months ago and this question came up. I remember him saying it was covered, but dont remember the details. You know my big chest from age 12 on was a big embarasement, girls in high school used to say they wished theres were big like mine..... A couple suggested I should wear a bra, not something a 16 year old wants to hear. I really feel bad for young MO kids, life is tough, Glad to report my chest is shrinking, by summer I hope to be able to go swimming without embarasement.
   — bob-haller

August 2, 2002
I had a breast reduction about 2 years ago, and it made my self esteem really boost. I too can relate to having a large chest. I had RNY and lost about 130# my chest never shrunk it just drooped. No matter what shirt I wore I was always wondering who was looking at my breasts. I was really a hard time for me. They call this procedure gynocamastia (sp?) which is a fancy way of saying a man with large breasts. I will tell you it is the best thing other than the RNY that I ever did for myself. My insurance did pay although I had to appeal. If you would like to ask me for questions feel free to email me.
   — Scott L.

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