Does anyone know of any Dr.'s in NJ,PA,or NY/NY area that accept horizon mercy ?
— [Anonymous] (posted on September 26, 2001)
September 28, 2001
3. Known insurers approving bariatric surgery through Hans Schmidt, M.D.
Name Type Date
Aetna - managed choice RNY - type unknown 10/28/2000
Aetna - US Healthcare RNY - type unknown 02/03/01
Aetna RNY - type unknown 05/08/01
Aetna HMO RNY - proximal 01/11/01
aetna us healthcare - ppo 03/14/00
AEtna/US Healthcare - Patriot V QPOS RNY - distal 06/11/01
AH&L (One Health Plan) - POS RNY - distal 08/03/00
BC/BS of NJ(Horizon) RNY - type unknown 11/13/00
Blue Cross RNY - type unknown 09/26/00
Blue Cross Blue Shield of NJ - PPO RNY - type unknown 12/26/00
Blue Cross/Blue Shield - Enhanced PPO Plan RNY - proximal 03/22/01
Blue Cross/Blue Shield - Horizon RNY - proximal 06/14/01
Blus cross/Blue Shield - Horizon RNY - type unknown 11/02/00
CIGNA HealthCare - PPO RNY - type unknown 04/06/01
Empire Blue Cross - PPO RNY - type unknown 06/14/01
Horizon BC of NJ POS RNY - proximal 4/13/2001
Horizon Blue Cross RNY - type unknown 07/12/01
Medicare RNY - distal 10/15/99
Oxford - Freedom Plan RNY - type unknown 02/14/01
Oxford - Freedom Plan RNY - type unknown 04/04/01
Oxford Health Plans HMO - HMO 03/14/00
Prudential - PPO RNY - proximal 01/17/01
United Healthcare - PPO RNY - type unknown 01/02/01
US Healthcare - Patriot Plan RNY - proximal 4/1/01
— Marie B.
September 28, 2001
You have horizon mercy threw the nj medicaide right? thats who you choose
for your hmo? well i also have nj medicaide but i choose for my hmo
americhoice and i can tell you that Dr.Brolin in new brunswick nj is in
network with them..he works out of ST.Peters university hospitol..if it
comes down to where you want wls all you can do is switch hmo's if worst
comes to can also call horizon mercy and tell them that you
were referred for gastric bypass and what wls surgerons do they have in
network with them.... good luck and i hope i helped you a little.....
— Deanna D.
September 29, 2004
<b>Doctor Pasupathy, in Bridgeton NJ. I have horizon/mercy and I was
approved without any problem an within a few days. His staff took care of
the insurance co.</b>
— B4real
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