where does all the water go?

This may be a silly question but it has been bugging me. I drink alot of water at work, at least 48 to 64 ozs. This is in addition to what i might drink at home. But at work with drinking all that water, I dont really go to the bathroom alot. You would think that you would be peeing out what you take in. If not where does it go? Could this be why I am not losing? I have only lost 5lbs in the last 4 weeks. Am getting very discouraged.    — cheryl B. (posted on August 15, 2001)

August 15, 2001
I've been told that when your body reaches the level of hydration it needs, it gets rid of the you've probabaly been a little dehydrated and didn't know it! I ran into the same problem until I was consistantly getting enough fluids in. It will definately catch up with you and you'll start losing again! Good Luck!
   — DolcezzaVT

August 15, 2001
This happened to someone I know. She was drinking alot of water but not urinating much. Her ankles were also showing signs of water retention (swelling). She saw her doctor and he put her on a diatretic. Since then she has started losing again.
   — Melissa A.

August 15, 2001
Cheryl, I'm not sure when you had your surgery. But, at about 4 weeks I was drinking a lot and only urinating a couple times a day (this from a woman who got up at least 1ce a night to go). I was elated that I no longer got up in the middle of the night to go. Also my bowel movements were about 2-3 days apart. Then recently (about at 6 weeks) my body started getting rid of the water. I drink about 64 oz a day in addition to 3 protein shakes. I now get up 1ce or twice a night to go! Give it a little time. (Also, BMs are regular and at least 1ce a day now).
   — Kimberly L.

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