Can anyone help me with questions about NY Medicaid and Dr. Goodman?
I have three questions the first one is about the incision when you get an open rny. I have strech marks from having children will that hinder the cutting in any way? My second question is about NY Medicaid. I'm about to see(NY) Dr.Goodman and I wanted to know if anyone who has NY Medicaid has had any problems with approval?(I'm not having any problems but I just wanted to know)And typically how long does it take for approval with Medicaid? — [Anonymous] (posted on August 14, 2001)
August 14, 2001
I'm from Upstate and have Medicaid. Last Fall I changed to Blue Choice
Option (which is only for people with Medicaid).
BCO put me through hell in getting approval. It was nine months from when I
started. But they did pay for it.
— Danmark
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