For the past 2 days I have been unable to eat or drink without having alot of pain. I

think that I may be having problems with my stoma. My question is should I go to the ER? Naturally this would be going on with me on a holiday and also my surgeon is on vacation till next week. I am concerned about dehydration from not being able to drink. I was going to wait till he got back but it is getting to the point just sipping water causes pain, forget about food, That gets vomited right back up. I dont want to go to the ER and have them tell me I need to see my Dr. but this is really starting to worry me. Thanks for any advice you can give me.    — cheryl B. (posted on July 3, 2001)

July 3, 2001
I would suggest going to the ER. You mustn't take any chances with hydration. If you are experiencing pain that is interfering with getting your liquids waiting! Good luck : )
   — Grace K.

July 3, 2001
Cheryl - don't wait. I went to E.R. 2 Fridays ago, thinking it was dehydration and maybe a deficiency in potassium - It was both & I needed to be scoped. As far as the scope goes - it was not bad at all!! Good luck, Karan
   — chance2lv

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