There is limited documentation of Weight Loss attempts in my medical records...

I just received my medical records yesterday, it goes back almost 4 years. Of the 2 PCP's and the OB/GYN and the Cardiologist I have seen, my weight is mentioned only 5 times. Of those 5 times, only 2 times is it mentioned that I am put on a diet from a doctor. That doctor was my OB/GYN. My concern is that it isn't enough for the insurance company. (They can say it was for the health of the baby, and it doesn't count). I can't understand why a PCP or a cardiologist won't write in my chart all what I talk to them about! They put phone calls to the office, but not my or their concern for my weight, in the records. So basically, only my weight gain is well documented. My attempts, and the doctor's references to either the weight or attempts are only listed 5 times. Any advice? I see the surgeon in a week. Thanks, Annie    — Annie R. (posted on April 22, 2001)

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