Has anyone had weight gain after RNYwhen getting the Depo shot for birth control?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on April 10, 2001)

April 10, 2001
I'm sure that is possible.. heck its possible if you haven't had WLS. Talk w/ your Dr see if there are other options that won't affect you that way. I know I have to check abotu my homrone replacement therapy I had a total hysterectomy a few years back and hormones in general whether it be replacement or for birth control do have affects on our weight.
   — Dawn R.

February 3, 2002
Hi , i am considering the shot myself, I am 2 months post.. did u find out any info please get back to asap, becuase i have an appt. with my gyno in 2 days. Help lol.. thank you S.E
   — Sheila E.

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