I filled out my application to be seen by Dr. Livingston in Westwood, CA, but I have
not heard back from him. Is this because I have Perscare Blue Cross. I'm not sure if Blue Cross covers this operation. — Catherine M. (posted on April 9, 2001)
April 10, 2001
Catherine - it sure can't hurt to contact them. I have Blue Cross PPO and
they covered my surgery - approved me in just a few days! Even if the
doctor isn't a Blue Cross Provider, you usually have the option to go out
of network - that's what I did - for the surgeon only. Hospital, labs,
x-rays were in network - but I had a higher portion to pay to my surgeon
because he was out of network. For me it was worth it. I'd definitely
contact their office and ask when you can expect to hear from someone.
Good luck!
— T.L. S.
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