What if there isn't sufficient evidence of doctor supervised diets?

My problem is, I have first consult first week in May. I have never had any help from doctors in the past regarding Weight Loss. Not that I haven't asked. Just not good PCP's. They all just said to pick up a book, join a club. Lord knows if they even put that in my medical file. I have done many many many diets though. I do qualify weight wise, BMI wise and with numerous Co-Morbidities, I know my surgeon would accept me. But what about my Insurance? According to them, it is based on medical necessity. That is all they say. Numerous people I have spoke to regarding this issue, tell me to lie about it. Say it is in a file in a different state, can't get to it. Or they say to lie about joining Weight Watchers. I feel quite uncomfortable lying about it though. (What if I get caught?) However, those people justify lying by saying, "Do whatever you need to do to get the surgery, worry about lying afterwards, when the weight falls off." I haven't done Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig because of my mother's and aunt's horrible experience with them. (Don't want to go through what they went through). So should I lie about it? Tell the truth about it? I am so confused, but not about getting the surgery, that I am sure about. Thank You.    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 9, 2001)

April 9, 2001
Do what feels right with you. Then document as best you can all the things you have tried to lose weight.. low cal, low fat, slim fast, lean cuisine, over the counter diet pills, starvation etc.. tell them of the times you ask for help w/ losing weight and were refused help from your medical Drs etc. Good luck...
   — Dawn R.

April 9, 2001
It is not really lying it is just stretching the truth. I have tried so many diets in my 17 years of dieting, that by the time I sat down and wrote all of the diets on paper, I realized how much money I have spent over the years and thought to myself, "I deserve this procedure" by any means necessary. So I wrote a letter to my insurance company straight from my heart about how long I have been on diets and I also sent a list of all of the diets I have tried (none were supervised by a doctor), over the last 17 years and I got my approval in 2 days. Believe me when you sit down and think about how many diets you have tried, you believe you deserve this procedure also.... Good Luck!!! Open RNY 3-30-01
   — Ang B.

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