What is the best weigh to tighten up my arms?

I have very large arms and I hate them! What is the best weigh to avoid surgery? I didn't have the nasty arms 50 lbs. ago!    — Trisch B. (posted on January 17, 2001)

January 17, 2001
I have found that lifting weights really helps (biceps and triceps). You can start this very easily without having to join a gym- use cans of soup or buy some barbells- I would start out with 5 pounders, after a while move to 8 pounders, then 10 pounders. You can ask the guys at the store where you buy the barbells for work out suggestions and how to maximize your lifting. I also use alot of lotion all over to keep the skin moist and shrinkable (I hope!) Good Luck!
   — M B.

January 17, 2001
Nothing. People store their fat in different places. Your skin has been bulged out and stretched by those deposits. Now the fat is gone, and more is going if you've only lost 50 pounds so far. Doing any kind of weight lifting, be it soup cans or bench presses and arm curls won't help. It may give you more definition when you "make a muscle" (flex your bicep like Popeye), but all the loose skin will still hang down like a wattle. The same thing happens to your thighs. I'm called Elephant Boy, not because my thighs are so big, but because of all the droopy wrinkles. Wherever your fat was, it's going to droop; arms, thighs, chin, chest, abdomen, butt. You should see someone who's down 160 pounds run 8mph on a treadmill <grin> And that's what you have to do, grin.
   — blank first name B.

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