Should I start taking birth control pills or the depo-provera shots?

I have taken birth conrol a few times in my life and everytime that I took it I gained about 35 pounds. I have never stayed on it longer than a few months because of the weight gain. My surgeon would like me to go on it now before my surgery 2-12-01. I am afraid that it will hinder my weight lose. He has sugested the depo-provera shots. Any thought? I have PCOS, I was taking birth control pills to regulate my cycle. The last time I was one them I gained the 35 lbs. in less than 3 months and then I had my period for a month. I than quit taking them. I would like to here from anyone who has had the same problems.    — Trisch B. (posted on January 11, 2001)

January 11, 2001
Two weeks prior to my surgery I was told to go OFF birth control as it can cause blood clots at surgery time. I am now two weeks post op & it is safe to go back on. Please make sure you understand your doc correctly.
   — Lisa B.

January 11, 2001
1. I have been on the Ortho-Tricyclene pills for many years...I'm not sure which pill you were on, but I have not experienced any weight gain as a result of the pill. I will say however that it does take your body a few months to adjust, so perhaps it's just part of that adjustment period. I would have your dr monitor you if you think you are having problems. 2. I was able to take my pills up until the day of surgery, and then the surgeon said no for 5 weeks. I am now back on them and doing fine. 3. I know nothing about the shots. Sorry!!
   — tlg6056

January 11, 2001
Trisch,just to add my two cents worth...I was on the pill up to the day I had my surgery, which was also the day I started my cycle (perfect timing)...I started my pill pack right on schedule right after that. I have been on the pill for about 3 years now, and don't attribute it to any of the weight I had gained. However, I was on the Depro-Provera shots for 2 and 1/2 years prior to the pill. while on that I gained weight, suffered from depression, and lost all of my sex drive (sorry to be so blunt). I'd say make sure you are aware of all possible side effects from either. Good luck!
   — Marnie K.

January 11, 2001
like lisa, i was told to go OFF my birth control pills two weeks before surgery because of an increased risk of blood clots. you could try the depo provera shot, but it usually causes weight gain in most already overweight women. how about an iud, which has no hormones and is over 99% effective? or careful use of condoms and spermicide, or a diaphragm and condoms. post op, after a few weeks, you could go on the pill.
   — melanie S.

January 11, 2001
Oh PLEASE for the love of God .... DON'T GET THE DEPO PROVERA SHOTS! I went through two before finding out it was the worse decision of my life! I had done, what I thought at the time, great research on it. But I was later horrified by the online support groups for women who had gone through the injections and suffered horrible results including deaths posted by surviving family members. i urge you to get back on the pill before remotely considering this option. I wouldn't wish the excessive weigh gain, migraines, heart palpitations, endless weeks of spotting and bleeding on my worst enemy.
   — Rachael R.

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