I'm too healthy

I'm sooooo blue. My doctor just called. He said that the radiologist did not see the arthritis like he did -- so I do not have a co-morbidity. I'm through Group Health Cooperative in Washington State. They require a doctor referral, morbid obesity and at least one co-morbidity. I've got two out of three. My doctor is sending me to a bone doctor (forgot the name of the doctor) for x-rays of my hips,knees and ankles. Hoping that this doctor will see something that helps. I'm sooo blue today I could cry. My insurance covers WLS if medically necessary. My only problem is that I'm too healthy. Please if you have any information that could help me in my fight. I would really appreciate hearing from you. Thank you, Maurine -- Maurine Stultz    — Maurine S. (posted on March 30, 2000)

March 30, 2000
Maurine, is there any chance that you may have sleep apnea. Do you snore at night? Just a thought. This would be a co-morbidity that could be easily documented.
   — Dallas D.

March 30, 2000
Don't give up. You must FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. Do you have any diabetes in you family. What about you sleeping habits. Sleep apnea but also insomnia. There are many besides the one your looking at. Do a key word search on comorbs and see what you come up with. Always remember where there is a will there is a way. My doctor provided me with a form to check that had all the comorbs on it. Keep looking. If you are truly mobidly obese you have to have something. You are not healthy this way. It is a big strain on your heart. What about you cholesterol levels? There is a way. Believe me. Good luck and God bless you through this journey.
   — Jen L.

March 31, 2000
I had no "discernable" co-morbids. However, hip and low back pain are directly related to morbid obesity. These types of pain can't always be diagnosed with tests. Don't let your insurance company tell you that because your paches and pains don't show up on any test, that you aren't in pain! Stand your ground! I wish you the best of luck!
   — Morgan B.

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