Ok folks, Eric's helped us tremendously, lets give some back

Just by luck, I was in the chat room when Eric came in. I was asking him questions and he asked a favor of me. He wants me to organize a list for him of all the WLS related sites so that he can see about getting a link to this site added to them. I know that I've been on the computer non stop for the past couple of months, and I have seen lots of sites on the net. I also know that I couldn't ever get thru all of them, much less kind of rate them, so I need your help. Please send me lists of sites you know of, your favorites, even comments about sites that you don't like. I will try to organize them somewhat for Eric and pass them along to him. You can either answer this post, or e-mail me privately at [email protected]. Thanks so much everybody!!!    — Anne C. (posted on December 31, 1999)

January 1, 2000
I sent a list of all the sites I researched through to your e-mail address..Also, I added A link from my webpage to this site using the Association logo for the clickable button about three months ago...
   — Victoria B.

January 1, 2000
In the questions section, Topic:Other Sub Topic:Weight Loss Surgery Links Question: Below are weight loss surgery related links..." I hope you find these useful. This was posted on October 23, 1999 by Lisa Bevan. I say all of this to tell you that Lisa posted almost 4 pages of sites having to do with WLS. Didn't that get passed along to Eric? I don't know about others but I feel like there is a lot of information in the database that is very useful and answers so many questions which have been asked and answered. This is not meant to step on anyone's toes, please don't misunderstand me. But we really need to refer to the database more and if the answers there are not satisfactory, then post a new question specifically asking what you want and say you've already checked the database. I am amazed at the information available here on this site. I would vote for this site as one of the best as far as info and supportUnfortunately, almost every e-mail I send or question I try to answer never gets posted so it's very frustrating. I'm sure people have good answers and share pertinent information but it doesn't get through. Will this one? We'll see.
   — Fran B.

January 1, 2000
Isn't this 'Eric's site'? (I'm not sure who 'owns' this site, but I assumed it was his or updated by him). I guess I also assumed he reads the postings, or some of them . . . reading comments about him/this site inthe postings makes me feel like I'm hearing gossip about my host when I'm sitting in their living room! I don't mind complimenting the host in the presence of others -- but I won't let anyone badmouth them in my presence. How about sending a private email with your complaints? I don't mean to incite a flame throwing war, late momma always told me if I had a problem with someone or something -- to take it up with the source. Thanks
   — Toni B.

January 1, 2000
I'm not sure what the problem is??? I am trying to help Eric, not gossip about him.??? Eric is the owner of the Support Group, but he has a regular job just like the rest of us, and sometimes asks for volunteers to help him with the mountain of work that goes into a site like this one. I asked him in chat if there was anything I could do to help, and he asked me to get this list together. He wants the list so that he can encourage these other lists to link to this one. I'm not trying to find other links for this site, just trying to find sites that might link to this site. Hope that clears it up a bit. Sorry for any confusion and THANKS to everybody that has sent me information both privately and here!! This site is the best!!
   — Anne C.

January 2, 2000
Thank you so much for doing this! You're an angel. Here are some sites I visit. Hope it helps! (this is my surgeon's office)
   — Martha O.

January 2, 2000
Thank you so much for doing this! You're an angel. Here are some sites I visit. Hope it helps! <BR><BR> (this is my surgeon's office) <BR><BR><BR><BR>
   — Martha O.

January 18, 2000
Just a few websites I have visited... - Support group with Carnie Wilson, she doesn't post too often but this site has some great posts from people who had RNY.
   — KaDe K.

February 29, 2000
Thank you all so much for your concerns here. I do pre-med medical research at the University of California. I'm working on a study of PET (brain metabolism) and bulimia right now. In addition to that, I've got miscellaneous web projects, plus this site. There are so many ways you all can help out, if you want. Just click on the "help us" link. I hardly have any time to do much of anything, it seems -- yet building things here is very addictive. One of the projects I'm proud of are all the pics. Ken Krogman worked with all the pics before retiring. Kricket (her nick name) from Indiana, I believe, has made probably over 100 small pics to appear on the message board next to our postings. She's working on the Tricks with Pics section now (take a look -- click on "photos" above). Lynn Karagory has for many months helped improve this site's rankings on search engines. JC (bariatric nurse) has helped with a great deal of projects on the site. Cindy Lou has helped with some of the graphics. She and Lisa Bevan are working on restructuring the Q&A database for easy perusing. Al from Oregon has been helping moderate the chat room for ever and ever. These are just some people who have helped. There are many more of you there, obviously. Don't hesitate to click on the "help us" link to learn how you can help. Financial contributions are always welcome -- for those of you with incomes. We also need help promoting this site, welcoming new members, offering answers to questions here, etc, etc. Any way, thanks again to all of you who have helped, and in advance to all of you who will support us now and in the future.
   — ericklein

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