I'm concerned about keeping my motivation, even after surgery.

I've lost several hundred pounds in my lifetime. Somehow, at about 100 lbs, I lose my motivation. I'm worried that, after the surgery, I will still lose the motivation. Since I will have to diet and exercise, what really makes this different? What do I do when I 'fall off the wagon'. It seems I never get right back on. When I lose the motivation, I gain weight, and more than I started with. I'm having the RYN (my second obesity surgery), and I'm afraid of failure. Thanks    — Peggy51 (posted on April 18, 1999)

April 17, 1999
I'll guess that your first WLS operation was VBG.. stapling. The bypass in the RNY makes a great deal of difference. I am only four months post op and have lost 85 pounds. I've lost weight before but never felt this hopeful, enthused and energized. I've never dieted before where I didn't resent it and try to be very clever in the ways I cheated. Dieting is so boring and so much is kept away from you. I'm finding now that there are many many options and lots of good things to eat. I'm also finding a lot of different kinds of rewards and interests. Now we also have these support groups online (and I have one at the hospital I went to). I don't think you'll fail, hon. But I do think that if you don't give this a try that's a kind of failure. I've been where you are and lost 100 pounds and then it crept back and more. I can't explain why this time is different, but it is. Courage! write me directly if you'd like [email protected]
   — Susan C.

April 17, 1999
What TYPE of surgery are you looking into? With your 'history' I'd suggest that you get an RNY...that is the one where they reroute your intestines...I myself had a VBG..but the RNY will help deter eating habits by causing diarhea, dumping etc when you try and go back to eating normally.(A VBG doesn't do that). Second you have to decide this is the LAST attempt you will make. It is either this or a certain early death. You can have lifesaving surgery NOW in the form of weightloss surgery..or you can look forward to a LOT more surgeries because of hips, knees, back, diabetes, heart etc..and when you have these surgeries you will be a HIGH RISK because of your obesity. NO ONE can guarantee this will suceed except yourself. If you have any doubts and prefer eating to living then I suggest don't do it. At 47 I was to the point I couldn't even grocery shop..I saw my future in a wheel chair..watching life pass me by. Now 2 yrs later my DH just commented on how come I have so much energy! Even after surgery it is far as diet and excercise go? Well, I eat what I want in moderation(like one taco bell taco fills me up)..sometimes I WANT to eat more..if I do I'll throw it up...(The HEAD hunger..wanting to eat more is a real villain!) Exercise? NO WAY...I tried that for 6 solid weeks..exercising 4 hours a day...I didn't loose any weight..I lost only an inch or two. AND I figured in 10 years I wouldn't keep it up anyways so I stopped. Now I do what is called Body is an oxygen type of exercise where in 30 seconds you acheive an aerobic state instead of 30 minutes of hard exercise. It is breathing and stretching..I fill great...I'm loosing inches and it is something I can KEEP doing ..only takes 15 minutes a day.
   — Ben R.

April 17, 1999
I had the RNY done 11-97 lost 158 so far. I really don't think there is a way for me to fall off the wagon. If I happen to eat to much I get very sick. And when I want something sweet I have a bite(shouldn't but do) my cravings get worse if I don't. So whats the difference I'm hardley ever hungry. Sometimes even forget to eat at all. My doctor said if you have a negative attitude you'll find a way to sqabotage the surgery. GOOD LUCK!
   — penny S.

April 17, 1999
I understand what you mean but you have to remember with the RNY you CAN NOT eat high sugar and high fat. You will get sick. Motivation to not get sick is good. You also can not eat large amounts. I used to be able to eat 6-8 pieces of pizza. No way now. One piece fills me up the way 6 used to. This is very different than losing motivation after a diet.
   — JAN C.

April 18, 1999
I personally couldn't believe anyone would WANT to do any thing to sabotage their diet/exercise plans after this surgery. You might consider therapy to help you out with this. Also a good support group is a must if you feel like you might have problems achieving your goals...also about goals, don't set yourself up for failure by setting goals that may be out of your reach at the time. Smaller and shorter terms goals are good especially if you have problems during a plateau. I also thinks its some what normal to feel like you may fail with this surgery. I felt that was too prior to surgery, but now I'm 3 days post op and taking it one day at a time, and certainly following the doctors orders! Take care and best wishes on your up coming surgery
   — wendy H.

April 18, 1999
Peggy - I had the RNY done this past August and have lost 115 pounds so far. Right now I am stuck, but I am keeping at it. It's pretty hard to fall off the wagon. As far as sweets go, you won't want them. They don't even tempt me anymore. I will not touch chocolate -- makes me soooo sick! I have changed the way my entire family eats and no one complains very much. Once in awhile the kids will want something like fried chicken. It just looks so greasy that I won't even take a bite. Good luck to you. Beth
   — Beth B.

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